Hello,this is Forsaken bringing you a few cards tipz.All I deas are copy
righted,So don't try it.Here are some tipz I found out about Unownz...
Unown O + Imposterz
Unown'z power lets you see your opponents top 5 cards every turn before
your attack.This amazing power plus Imposter Oak's Revenge/or Imposter Oak =
Major disruption.
Unown E + Scoop Up
Unown's power lets you draw 4 cards every time you play him from your
hand.Well,the plus scoop up lets you do that.
Unown D + Wiggly Stadium
I found this out right after a guy on the message boardz did.Adding these
to cards cripples any colorless poke'mon.With Unnown's power,which which cuts
(c) poke'mons attack -20,and Sprout Tower,you cut damage by 50.
And for Psyduck(Fossil),why does'nt anyone use him??He is very good in
Insanity,along with Unown O and the Imposterz.
I have already made a new Insanity archetype,called Hayze.Any
questions,comments,hatemail??Please do email them to me at
Crimsonangel3@aol.com.I am interested in what everyone thinks.Please post this
Scott 8D