Hi again!

      Once again, KIRBY!!


KIRBY:  What happened to the applause machine?

Robodude:  It's malfunctioning.

K: Oh.

R:  Anyway onto the deck.

K:  It follows the modified format so don't expect it to be good.


Pokemon: 20
4 NEO Discovery Eevee
3 Holo Umbreon (Main hitter #1)
3 Pichu (Main hitter #2)
3 Southern Islands Mew (Main hitter #3)
3 Murkrow (Main hitter #4)
2 Cleffa (no explanation needed)
1 Promo Cleffa (Card drawing)
1 Magby (Anti-Slowking)

Trainers: 20
2 Misty's Wrath
3 Nightly Garbage run
2 Masterball
2 Lt. Surge
4 Berry (There's 7 Babies for god's sake!!)
2 Gold Berry
3 Moo-moo Milk
2 Erika

Energys: 20
6 Psychic
4 Rainbow
4 Darkness
2 Recycle
4 Potion

R:   Now for the strategies.

      Dead baby on turn 2?

      Slowly kills everything with a pokemon power.

            Southern Islands Mew+Rainbow
      Kills many/all of your opponents pokemon

      Umbreon's apprentice.

R:   That's it.  E-mail us at
robodudermg@aol.com.  If you do answer this

What would you like to see on the HIDDEN POWER CARDS REPORTS?

A:  Good cards.
B:  Less Robodude
C:  Less Kirby
D:  Jennifer Lopez