Many people have said that stage two pokemon are to
slow to be used as tournament material. I belive that any evolution line where
the amount of energy needed to attack corosponds with the first turn that you
could play it is more than quick enough. For example :
Turn 1: attach grass energy to weedle and use
poison sting.
Turn 2: Attach another grass energy, Evolve into
kakunna and use poison powder.
Turn 3: Same deal here, attach energy evolve and
attack with twin-neeld or poison sting.
Using this you can be assured to deal 70 damage
byturn three, more if any of the attacks poison.
This does require a some what heavy amount of card
drawing, and ER can mess it up, but there are ways around it. (no removal
stadium) .
Tell me what you think, and if anyone has another
evolution line that does the same thing tell me.