Wow... not only is Japan releasing a theme
deck in time for the next Pokemon Movie, BUT Seven Eleven of Japan is
getting involved and putting 11 different Promotional Cards on bottles
of specially packaged Coke Products. Hmm I wonder if Coke-a-Cola USA
is listening to this demand for promos? We can only imagine what it
would be like to purchase lottery tickets and Pokemon Products at our
local 7-11. Perhaps that day will come. Just don't walk into a
convenience store with a mask and a gun demanding Pokemon cards.
Anyways there are 11 different cards you
can find when you purchase Fanta Fruit Punch, Sprite, Fanta Melon
Splash, Ambasa, or Vanilla Coke. 10 of those cards may come as Rare or
Holographic Versions. 1 of those cards only appears as a Holographic
and is secret. Our bets are on Jirachi, the star of the next Pokemon
Movie in Japan.
Here are scans of the of the Promos:
What is this secret Pokemon? We know its Psychic! |
