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 Clown Master's Pokemon GBA Team Garage

Pokémon Analysis: Physical Sweeping Jirachi

November 7, 2005

physical jirachi lawl

Jirachi @ Leftovers
Trait: Serene Grace
EVs: 252 HP / 180 Atk / 80 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk -SAtk)
- Hidden Power [Steel]
- Shadow Ball
- Substitute
- Psychic / Thunderbolt / Thunder Wave

Analysis: That set is based off of the optimal IVs for HP:Steel 70(31/31/31/31/31/30). 252 HP EVs are for 404 HP. That means that Sub Gets 101 HP, and can effectively Survive 2 Seismic Tosses or Night Shades. Putting 180 EVs into Attack makes sure that HP:Steel and Shadow Ball deal sufficient amounts of Damage. Having the extra 20 Points in Speed gives Jirachi 256 Speed, and allows me to Out Speed a lot of things. Hidden Power: Steel gets STAB, and is a Great Attack in comparison to a lot of things in Jirachi's Movepool that are complimentary to Physical Attacks. Because of Serene Grace, Shadow Ball has a 40% Chance of Lowering SDef, and can be helpful if you're using T-Bolt more than if you're using anything else. The reason for this is because it is good to use on the Skarmory Switch or any other Physical Wall. It can lower the SDef for you to use T-Bolt(Or Psychic on Weezing). Thunder Wave is also Viable for a last moveslot, but then Skarm and Friends walk all over it.

Opinion: Jirachi needs better Physcial Attacks. =/

- Clown Master

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