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 Clown Master's Pokemon GBA Team Garage

Team Fix
8, 2005

My fixes and comments are in bold. Before I start, I'll point out to you, like the others I've done this for, those items like "Metal Coat" and others that increase certain move types by 10% aren't good. Neither are items like King's Rock, and Quick Claw. Also, for a good guide to what EVs are, look on Serebii (http://www.serebii.net/). Also, when I say change the nature or EVs that means you have to breed for a new Pokémon and start over. You don't have to do that if you don't want to, but it is reccomemded. On to the team…

Snorlax @ none LV.51
  - brick break
  - yawn
  - belly drum
  - focus punch 

Get one with an Adamant Nature to increase his Attack.. Belly-Lax isn't always a good set. You have to know exactly when to use it and when. I prefer Curselax, but Belly-Lax isn't bad either. Drop Focus Punch because even though you're anticipating a switch from Yawn, or to hit them while they are asleep, you probably won't get the chance. They'll probably just attack you and KO lax because of his weakened HP. Get rid of Yawn too. You won't get them to switch out if lax is dead. Also give him Leftovers to restore that HP. Instead of the moves you got rid of, I'd recommend EarthQuake and Shadow Ball. They are great moves that will give an advantage with your insane attack. Brick Break may not be a great move either, Return or Body Slam are better. Then I'll add EVs for you incase you'd like to learn. That gives you this move set:

Snorlax (M) @ Leftovers ** Bellylax
Trait: Immunity
EVs: 80 HP / 180 Atk / 128 Def / 122 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Belly Drum
- Body Slam
- Earthquake
- Shadow Ball

Charizard @ metal coat LV.51
 - fly
 - heat wave
 - steel wing
 - sunny day

Since you want a Special Sweeping Zard, drop Fly, Steel Wing, and Sunny Day. If you have time after you beat the E4, breed for Hidden Power[Ice/Grass]. If not, then that's fine. Just give him Substitute and Dragon Claw. The last move is filler, since I can't think of any good move outside of HP:Ice/Grass. Max Speed and put plenty of EVs into SAtk. Put the remaining in Defence. That gives you this moveset:

Charizard (M) @ Leftovers/Petaya Berry
Trait: Blaze
EVs: 62 Def / 252 Spd / 196 SAtk
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Substitute
- Fire Blast
- Dragon Claw

   Vaporeon @ black glasses LV.50
 - haze
 - acid armor
 - bite
 - surf

I always have perferred the Baton Passing set, since Vappy doesn't make a very good tank. Drop Haze and Bite. Bite doesn't deal much damage, and Vappy doesn't have the speed to make much flinch. Haze is counter-productive. Give it Substitute and breed for Baton Pass. You can also drop Acid Armor for Wish, but try this set:

Vaporeon (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Water Absorb
EVs: 12 HP / 246 SAtk / 252 SDef
Calm Nature (+SDef, -Atk)
- Baton Pass
- Substitute
- Surf
- Acid Armor/ Wish

Victreebel @ miracle seedLV.50
 - solar beam
 - sludge bomb
 - toxic
 - Giga drain

Victreebel has always been a better physical sweeper, imo. Drop all the moves except Sludge Bomb. Give it Swords Dance to increase its attack tremendously. Give Substitute to protect it from T-Waves or Wil-o-Wisps. The last move is a matter of preference. Encore, Return, Synthesis, and HP:Flying are all good. I would suggest Encore or Synthesis, though to stay alive longer. That gives you this set:

Victreebell(M) @ Leftovers / Salac Berry
Trait: Chlorophyll
Adament Nature(+Atk -SAtk)
EVs: 252Atk 200Def 56Spd(or SDef)
- Swords Dance
- Sludge Bomb
- Encore / Synthesis / Return
- Substitute / Hidden Power[Flying]

Raichu @ none LV.50
- Thunderbolt
- thunder wave
- double team
 - attract

Raichu  needs to be mixed a little or it is just a downgraded Jolteon. Sub-Punching, T-Wave/Encore/Attract, and T-Bolt is a good set because it makes the set well-rounded and take the best advantage of Raichu's average stats. Use Encore, then Substitute to set up for Focus Punch. T-Bolt is a solid damaging move and may Paralyze. The nature should be either lonely or Naughty. Here is the set:

Raichu(F) @ Leftovers
Trait: Static
EVs: 200Atk 252 Spd 56SAtk
Naughty Nature(+Atk -SDef)
- Substitute
- Focus Punch
- Thunderbolt
- Encore

Golem @ quick clawLV.50
- earthquake
- flamethrower
 - metronome
 - Strength

Never use a neutral Nature. Make him Adament. He makes a better choice bander, so go with that instead of Quick Claw. Drop Flamethrower and Metronome because Flamethrower isn't good on a Pokémon that is based on Attack. Metronome isn't good because it requires too much luck and rarely gives you a good move. Get rid of Strength because HMs other than Surf(and Fly in some situations) are no good at all. Give him Rock Blast, Explosion, and Double-Edge. That gives you this set:

   Golem(M) @ Choice Band
Trait: Rock Head
EVs: 252Atk 200Def 56HP
Adament Nature(+Atk -SAtk)
- EarthQuake
- Rock Slide
- Double-Edge
- Explosion

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