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Master's Pokemon GBA Team Garage
Hendrick's Team
June 23, 2005
Sorry I haven't had an
update in a while... I've been pretty busy. Anywho, same
drill as always, my fixes are in bold. I won't add movesets
from now on because I figure people'd be smart enough to
figure out what I'm saying. If I get a request to start
putting them again, I will.
Butterfree - Leftovers (F)
Timid Nature
-Sleep Powder
-Stun Spore
It may do you some good to
read my team building guide. It's in my team garage. Having
255 in one stat doesn't do you any good. Even having a
252-252-4 Spread is better. Butterfree usually doesn't have
the staying power to Psuedo Haze, but if it has been working
for you, stick with it. The EVs should be something more
like this: 180 HP / 96 Spd / 232 SDef. 180 EVs in HP gives
it 305 HP, which is effectively enough to survive Toxic or
Will-o-Wisp for an extra turn.
Smeargle - Focus Band (F)
Own Tempo
Jolly Nature
-Mind Reader
Again, 255-255 Spreads
aren't any good. Also, Explosion on Smeargle does around 20%
Damage to Blissey. That isn't much at all. Drop it for
Spider Web or Mean Look. Also, Guillotine doesn't hit
everything. Drop it for Sheer Cold. Quick Claw is a good
Item for him, since even if he lives with Focus Band (around
a 16% Chance), he dies next turn anyways. He gets OHKO'd by
everything, so All other items are pretty much useless
unless you're using a BP set. Then also, use this EV Spread:
108 HP / 148 Def / 252 Spd.
Starmie - Leftovers (N)
Natural Cure
Modest Nature
-Confuse Ray
Psychic is basically useless
in 386 on Starmie. Drop it for Ice Beam. Also, Rapid Spin is
a good move on it. You may want to put that on it if you've
been having trouble with Skarm Like I did while I was
testing this team. The EV spread should be 24 Def / 252Spd /
232 SAtk with a Timid Nature.
Medicham - Salac Berry (M)
Pure Power
Jolly Nature
-Hi Jump Kick
-Shadow Ball
On the EVs, just drop 3 in
Attk and 3 in Speed and put 4 in Defence. Rock Slide is way
better than Hi Jump Kick on Cham because with high speed
after Salac, you can make most Pokémon flinch, and
Sub>Endure can work better at times because that way
Tyranitar doesn't rape it.
Houndoom - Lum Berry (M)
Flash Fire
Modest Nature
-Sunny Day
Always use a timid nature on
him. Fire Blast>Flamethrower also. The EV spread should be
56 HP / 252 Spd / 200 SAtk. Also, Rest>Crunch. That's about
all I can say on him because I don't have quite as much
experience with him as I do with others.
Marowak - Thick Club (M)
Rock Head
Adamant Nature
-Hidden Power: Ghost
-Focus Punch
The only thing wrong with
this picture is the EVs. 252 Atk / 252 Spd / 4 SDef. Also,
maybe Rock Slide>Focus Punch.
Overall, a good team. =P
- Clown Master