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 Clown Master's Pokemon GBA Team Garage

Takachinic's Team
August 01
, 2005


Takachinic's Swampert

Ok.. Takachinic emailed me asking if I could fix his/her swampert, since he/she's already decided on the rest of the team..

Swampert @ Focus Band (Male)
Evs: 200 Atk, 56 Sp. Def, 252 Speed
Brick Break
Mirror Coat

On Swampert, since Hidden Power Grass/any other grass attack OHKOs hin, Mirror Coat is completely useless. Use Curse instead of it. also, Drop Brick Break for either Rest or Ice Beam. Also, in Swampert's case, Hydro Pump can be used instead of Surf to deal massive damage with Torrent. Then, on the EVs and nature: With curse, having speed doesn't matter, su give him a Brave Nature, also, max HP. Take all of the Speed EVs and put them there. Also, maybe Take out some of the Attack EVs for more SDef and maybe some SAtk. Other than that, he is fine in the EVs Department. But as soon as someone sends out Jolteon, if you don't have 1-2+ curses, switch out and use something else.

- Clown Master


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