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 Clown Master's Pokemon GBA Team Garage

Xenoslicer's team
August 17
, 2005

Xenoslicer is asking me to fix his team for the E4... You should be able to beat the E4 with Meta, Sceptile, and Salamence depending on the movesets you use, so I'm not going to bother with the rest....

Metagross @MooMoomMilk

Clear Body

Serious Nature

-Take Down

-Meteor Mash

-Pursuit(gonna get rid of anyways)


Meta works best with Agility.. Use that instead of Take Down. He's a better Physical Sweeper than anything, so drop Psychic and Pursuit becasue they're Special Attacks. Earthquake, Sludge Bomb, Shadow Ball, or Rock slide are good alternatives for them. Also, Items like MooMooMilk and fullrestore don't heal like berrys. You have to use them out of your bag. Leftovers is better.

Secptile@ none(dunno what to use)


Bashful Nature

-Leaf Blad




Substitute>Slam, and Focus Punch>Detect since all of your attacks have 100% accuracy. Drop Strength in favor of either Crunch(You'll have to breed) or Leech seed(Again, you'll have to breed). Leftovers or nothing on him since you're just facing the E4.

Salamence @none


Calm Nature

-Headbutt(gonna get rid of)

-Rock Smash



Take all of the HM Moves off of all your party members and put them on HM Slaves like Tropius and Linoone. Salamence @ Choice Band. EarthQuake, AA, Hidden Power Ghost, Rock Slide, Fire Blast. Preferably AA/Rock Slide/EQ/Fire Blast since you don't have to breed to get them. Give him Choice Band. If you use nothing but Rock Slide the entire time, you can Sweep the E4 with this in itself.

- Clown Master


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