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 Clown Master's Pokemon GBA Team Garage

Novan Kominta's Team
29, 2005

Wow.. I haven't done a full team in a while. School+Moderating+Adminning on several sites=Not a lot of time(Yet I'm somehow bored 20+ hours a day). xD Well anyways, This team is pretty good(minus the not having EVs thing).

Dragonite @ Item: Leftovers     Gender: Male 


Ability: Inner Focus
 - Focus Punch(Fighting)
 - Substitute(Normal)
 - Thunderbolt(Electric)
 - Ice Beam(Ice)

I perfer Naughty Nature, but other than that, he's cool.

Milotic(Water)@Item: Leftovers     Gender: Female 

Ability: Marvel Scale
Special Tank
 - Surf(Water)
 - Ice Beam(Ice)
 - Toxic(Poison
 - Recover(Psychic)

Toxic Sucks in the current Metagame, since all it does is give Guts Boosts without Speed lowering, and doesn't help as much as Will-o-Wisp on other things... Drop it for Hypnosis to Sleep Stuff. Other than that, it's solid. I think that even if you don't EV Train, you should fight about 100 Tentacools to give it an extra 25 SDef, and maybe some spindas or something to give SAtk. Or, if this is NB, just give it 100 SDef EVs and 80 or so SAtk.

Espeon(Psychic)@Items: Petaya Berry     Gender: Male      


Special Sweeper
 - Psychic(Psychic)
 - Hidden Power: Fire(Fire)(Pyrokinesis : )
 - Calm Mind(Psychic)
 - Morning Sun(Normal)

I perfer Lum Berry, and Substitute instead of Petaya and morning Sun, but it doesn't matter, I've seen both work since Espy has such high Spd and SAtk.

Metagross(Steel/Psychic)@Items: Leftovers  

Ability: Clear Body
Physical Tank/Physical Sweeper
 - Meteor Mash(Steel)
 - Earthquake(Ground)
 - Rock Slide(Rock)
 - Agility(Normal)

Make SURE to give it 88 Speed EVs if it has a perfect Speed IV to let it outspeed everything but Ninjask and Electrode after one Agility. Good other than that. Oh, and I like Shadow Ball or Sludge Bomb>EQ or RS.

Miltank(Normal)@Item: Leftovers     Gender: Female         


Ability: Thick Fat
Physical Tank/Cleric
 - Seismic Toss(Fighting)
 - Shadow Ball(Ghost)/Thunder Wave(Electric)
 - Milk Drink(Normal)
 - Heal Bell(Normal)

Good. But I perfer bold with Thunder Wave. Like I said, its fine though.

Gengar(Poison/Ghost)@Item: Petaya Berry     Gender: Male 

Special Sweeper
 - Shadow Ball(Ghost)
 - Focus Punch(Fighting)
 - Substitute(Normal)
 - Thunderbolt(Electric

Gengar doesn't have the Attk to deal damage with Shadow Ball, even with STAB. Try Explosion or Ice Punch. That way, he's more than just a SkarmBliss Counter. Also, either Lum or Leftovers>Petaya.


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