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 Clown Master's Pokemon GBA Team Garage

Pauline Connel's Blastoise Team
September 27, 2005

Sorry for the inactivity. School is getting the best of me. I'm working on fixing a team, and I'll probably have that done later. But for now, let's just work small.... Blastiose:

Blastoise male
Nature: Sassy
Item: bright powder
Lv; 100 Hp: 292 Def: 239 Spatk: 216 Spdef:333 (other stats not really worth mentioning)
Double team
Water pulse

Don't post stats, post EVs. Go to serebii to learn about them. Leftovers>Bright Powder, since if gives better protection(REcovering 1/16 of your HP Per turn > The foe missing 1/12 attacks that deal 100+ damage).Drop double team, since it is cheap. Ice Beam or Rapid Spin are good replacements. Drop Toxic, since it isn't that great. All it does is give Heracross a chance to beat you down. Surf/Hydro Pump>Water Pulse. I reccomend Hydro Pump since it averages more damage. Rest is fine, but I reccoment dropping it for Ice Beam or Rapid Spin(Whichever you didn't replace DT with).

That gives you:

Blastoise @ Leftovers (M)
Trait: Torrent
EVs: 200 HP / 252 Def / 56 SAtk (If you decide to learn about EVs)
Bold Nature (+Def -Atk)
- Rapid Spin
- Ice Beam
- Hydro Pump/Surf
- Rest / Mirror Coat

I guess if you're playing ingame, it isn't bad. But if you want to get competetive, I reccomend breeding with Ditto to get some babies with decent IVs, EV Training it, and using the set that I just reccomended or something similar.
- Clown Master

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