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 Clown Master's Pokemon GBA Team Garage

My Team
September 27
, 2005
Below is a team someone sent me. Not only was it sent to the WRONG EMAIL ADDRESS, but he/she didn't follow the rules. I'm in a really bad mood right now, and I wanted to kill off some time by murdering this crappy team. ;x

My Team

First of all this goes out to all of you people who think you're good at Poke'mon but started off with a GBA SP and a green. If you truly love Poke'mon you would  have started off with a yellow or something. But you are the people who need this the most. Okay, well I guess I should tell you my team first. I got Arcanine, Jolteon, Fearow, Marowak, Lapras, and Venusaur. Strange, yes, but I was just trying to get an unusual team with every type of attack. Well first is...



             Dig ;-)

             Fire Blast

             Iron Tail


     He's just a brute strength power-player. Flamethrower and Fire Blast are just basic attacks for him. Dig is for some variety, and Iron Tail is for when you know you're going to lose a battle and just hope you get a critical-hit. Flash-fire is really good against Blaine to higher your attacks and resistance. And Erika's got no chance naturally. Plus, you got the Charcoal he's holding.



          Ice Beam




     Surf and Ice Beam are, of course, get a STAB bonus. (Same-Type-Attack-Bonus). Dragonbreath is a really strong attack that can also paralyze the opponent without being in the designated element. (Electric Grass). Like Zap Cannon and Stun Spore. Psychic is just a body guard in case he's the last one left to take him out immediately. The Nevermelt Ice improves Ice Beam.



Venusaur:Razor Leaf



              Leech Seed 


     Razor Leaf and Cut are the only real attacks. And I found a glitch in the game. If you use Toxic then Leech Seed then slowly they will both do more, but you won't get back ant more energy from Leech Seed. He's holding a Miracle Seed too.




           Shadow Ball

           Pin Missile

           Double Kick


     I got the moves from Gary in the RBY games. (Red, Blue, Yellow). He's very helpful because he has so few weaknesses. With Jolteon alone you can beat WATER, GRASS, POISON, ROCK, PSYCHIC, DARK, NORMAL, FLYING, and STEEL. Since no one attack increasing item would work I gave him Leftovers. Plus, his speed is a nice bonus too.



Marowak:Bone Club

              Rock Tomb




     Physical attacks are everything to this guy. His attack and defense stats are medium-high so he can beat guys with even the highest speed. He can take a hit and deliver one too. Strength is a necessary HM and a pretty strong attack. Rock Tomb and Bone Club give him the basic advantage, and Bonemerang can hit up to five times.




           Mirror Move

           Wing Attack



     There is no hidden meaning behind these attacks. Fly I need and it's strong. Wing Attack a disposable attack. Mirror Move Is like Counter but with the same element. And if you haven't noticed, Fearow has no items. That is why I have Thief.



     If you haven't noticed I have every type of attack here. And I used my patented "Rainbow Method". RED, ORANGE, YELLOW…

^^ This made me rofl...

Comments: No Items, No Natures, No EVs. Never EVER send emails for team fixes to my regualar account.



             Dig ;-)

             Fire Blast

             Iron Tail


     He's just a brute strength power-player. Flamethrower and Fire Blast are just basic attacks for him. Dig is for some variety, and Iron Tail is for when you know you're going to lose a battle and just hope you get a critical-hit. Flash-fire is really good against Blaine to higher your attacks and resistance. And Erika's got no chance naturally. Plus, you got the Charcoal he's holding.

You failed to read my rules... Charcoal sucks. Lum, Liechi, or Salac Berry. Overheat>Fire Blast AND Flamethrower. Extremespeed is a pretty good choice. Substitute>Iron Tail. All Iron Tail has going for it is OHKO'ing Golem and friends(when you have an attack boost from Liechi). The 75% Accuracy kills it. If you want a strong steel move, either use Metagross w/MM or Aggron w/HP:Steel. Dig sucks in almost every way, since Earthquake is so much better(RK9 can't learn it, but that's no excuse to use this). Use Hidden Power Ground 70. Iron Tail has the same CH Rate as every other move on RK9, btw.



          Ice Beam




     Surf and Ice Beam are, of course, get a STAB bonus. (Same-Type-Attack-Bonus). Dragonbreath is a really strong attack that can also paralyze the opponent without being in the designated element. (Electric Grass). Like Zap Cannon and Stun Spore. Psychic is just a body guard in case he's the last one left to take him out immediately. The Nevermelt Ice improves Ice Beam.

Once again, Stat move rasing items suck. 12.5% increase to damage sucks. Use Leftovers. Lapras gets 101 HP Subs, so take advantage of that. Sub>Dragonbreath. The paralysis will be covered by Thunderbolt>Psychic. Also, double STABs isn't always the greatest thing on Lapras. Try Sing>Surf. Zap Cannon sux on anything not named Nosepass or Forretress.

Venusaur:Razor Leaf



              Leech Seed 


     Razor Leaf and Cut are the only real attacks. And I found a glitch in the game. If you use Toxic then Leech Seed then slowly they will both do more, but you won't get back ant more energy from Leech Seed. He's holding a Miracle Seed too.

Cut sucks in every feasable way. Use Sludge Bomb instead. It gets STAB, and works out better. That isn't a glitch. Leech Seed saps 1/16 of the foe's health.  Toxic doesn't add to that. Miracle Seed Sucks. Leftovers is basically the only good item for Saur. Drop Toxic for Sleep Powder, since basically all Toxic does is give Guts Pokemon free Attack boosts. Drop Razor Leaf for something.


           Shadow Ball

           Pin Missile

           Double Kick


     I got the moves from Gary in the RBY games. (Red, Blue, Yellow). He's very helpful because he has so few weaknesses. With Jolteon alone you can beat WATER, GRASS, POISON, ROCK, PSYCHIC, DARK, NORMAL, FLYING, and STEEL. Since no one attack increasing item would work I gave him Leftovers. Plus, his speed is a nice bonus too.

Jolteon's Attack sucks. Drop the bottom 3 Attacks. Substitute is good, so use it. Thunder Wave, and Baton Pass should probably be the last 2 moves. Also, so you know, that jolt can't beat any of the following: Grass, Poison, Rock, Psychic(Save for Zammy), Dark, Normal, Steel(Save for Skarm).

Marowak:Bone Club

              Rock Tomb




     Physical attacks are everything to this guy. His attack and defense stats are medium-high so he can beat guys with even the highest speed. He can take a hit and deliver one too. Strength is a necessary HM and a pretty strong attack. Rock Tomb and Bone Club give him the basic advantage, and Bonemerang can hit up to five times.

Thick Club should be the item. Strength Sucks. Drop it for Double-Edge. Drop Rock Tomb(Again, sucks. Rock Slide is so much better) for Rock Slide. Drop Bone Club for Swords Dance(Without a doubt, it's 9999999 times better).


           Mirror Move

           Wing Attack



     There is no hidden meaning behind these attacks. Fly I need and it's strong. Wing Attack a disposable attack. Mirror Move Is like Counter but with the same element. And if you haven't noticed, Fearow has no items. That is why I have Thief.

Fearow has no Special Attack. Choice Band is one of the only real decent items for Fearow. Drop EVERY move on it. Drill Peck has more Accuracy, and is a MUCH better chioce than fly. Return>Mirror Move, since Fearow can't take a hit at all. Hidden Power: Rock/Ground>Wing Attack, and Fury Attack>Thief, to break subs.

Wow.... That took an hour. Final Comments: If you are going to use HMs, use them on an HM Slave or 2 and use them when needed. THE ONLY GOOD HM IN REAL BATTLING IS SURF.

- Clown Master


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