Pojo's Anime:
Big O Character Bios
Written by:
Mushroom Pie
Rodger Smith:
Rodger Smith is Paradigm City's top negotiator. He makes
deals with suicidal people, criminals, businessmen, and
kidnappers. When things get too rough, he calls upon the
mighty Big O, a megadeus, which is Greek for "Big God,"
to help him defeat his enemy. When he first enters the
Big O to pilot it, it's computer fires up, telling
Rodger, "Cast in the name of God, ye not guilty." He
doesn't know what this means, but just seems to ignore
it. He seems to have made a game out of his negotiating,
in which he flips an hourglass at the beginning of a
job, and attempts to complete negotiations before all of
the sand is in the bottom.
Dorothy is an android. A man named Timothy Wayneright
had a daughter by the same name, but lost her in the
confusion of the amnesia striking 40 years ago. The
human Dorothy is presumed dead. Timothy was one day
struck by an old memory, and designed the blueprints to
Dorothy II, a replica of his daughter, and Dorothy I, a
giant robot. He used the money he made selling the
blueprints of Dorothy I to Beck to build Dorothy II.
However, he did not have the right resources, so he once
again turned to Beck. Beck gave a man Solderno
(pronounced Soldono for God knows what reason) the
blueprints to both of the robots. Solderno was a factory
technician that had participated in many shady dealings
with Beck in the past, and gladly built the two Dorothys.
However, Beck turned on him and went back on their deal,
so Solderno called Rodger Smith into the mix, claiming
his daughter had been kidnapped. Solderno was later
killed by Beck for doing this. Dorothy then went to live
with Wayneright, and assumed his last name. Wayneright
was also killed by Beck, because Dorothy was necessary
to make a damaged Dorothy I usable. Dorothy now resides
at Rodger's mansion as a maid.
Norman is a fairly mysterious character in Big O. He
serves as Rodger's butler, and shows Dorothy the ropes
when she becomes a maid at the mansion. He seems to be
one of the few people that still remembers religion, as
he is praying to a statue of the virgin Mary in the
manga. He is also apparently the one who discovered Big
O, and who gave Rodger his identity as Rodger Smith, the
negotiator. But, wait, Rodger is only in his 30s at
best, he shouldn't have experienced the amnesia, should
One of the first antagonists of the series, Beck is both
a ruthless villain and comic relief. Beck is a
technological genius, and uses his superiority in
technology to commit crimes. In the manga, he faces Big
O with a new robot almost every chapter. In the anime,
he only pops in to wreak havoc here and there. He's the
one who had Solderno build Dorothy I and II.
A mysterious woman who works for the Paradigm Company as
Alex Rosewater's secretary. Little is known about her,
other than she seems to be much more than she claims.
Michael Seebach:
This man is a reporter who is obsessed with the truth.
This character actually doesn't exist in the anime, and
is only referred to. He is, however, in the manga. He
believes that the Paradigm Corporation is manipulating
the truth to hide many a conspiracy. He had recently
been closely following the story of the God of Death, a
giant robot that was terrorizing the city. He even
braved the unknown of the underground to learn more
about it. This was his worst, or should I say best,
choice he ever made.
After coming in contact with the God of Death in the
underground, Michael Seebach's true self abandoned his
worthless human shell. His empty body returned above
ground, forgetting about his encounter until he came
face to face with the God of Death above ground once
more. He was shocked when he saw the pilot of it; it was
him. He looked different, covered in bandages and a
different shaped head, but it was unmistakably him. When
Michael discovered this, he faded away into nothing,
leaving only behind his true self, Shwartzwald. Big Duo
determines Shwartzwald as Not Guilty, giving him the
ability to pilot it. He plans on using it to finish what
started 40 years ago, and though there are people around
who can stop him, Rodger is the only one that wants to.
Big Ear:
Big Ear is an old man who sits at a table by himself in
a bar Rodger comes to often. Big Ear has a hearing aid
that picks up just about anything in the city; phone
calls, police messages, and even conversation on the
street.I assume the latter is accomplished by him either
having lackeys all over the city, or small microphones,
which sounds more
logical. And what does he do with all of this vast
information? He sells it of course. Rodger often comes
in and has an indirect conversation with him, getting
info that he may need for his current job. When he
leaves, he casually "drops" a roll of twenties on Big
Ear's table, who quickly hides it under a newspaper that
he pretends to be reading. To my knowledge, they never
actually mention his name in the anime.
Alex Rosewater:
Alex Rosewater is the malevelont president of the
Paridigm Corporation, which runs the entire city. He
uses his influence and power for nothing more than his
own personal gain. He has the power to stop Schwartzwald,
but rather leaves it to Rodger and the Big O, in order
to gauge his power. He is also responsible for three
mysterious robots that appear off of the coast of
Paradigm. What could they be for?
Gordon Rosewater:
Gordon Rosewater is the father of Alex. He has an entire
dome to himself and has made a large farm from it. Quite
the opposite of his son, Gordon is a sweet old man who
in some way helps Rodger every time he comes to him. He
created the "tomatoes," children with false memories in
their minds from over 40 years ago.