The mod soul continues
attacks on Ichigo. Ichigo admits that once he calms
down and focuses, the mod’s kicks are easy to dodge.*
So the mod soul flees the scene. Ichigo wants
to pursue him, but an order comes – a hollow is
nearby. Ichigo and Rukia head off, leaving the three
kids alone to explain what they saw to the P.E.
Running along rooftops, the mod soul complains that
the soul reaper and those kids killed his buzz, the
buzz of being free. His complaining is interrupted
when he senses the presence of a hollow, which he
deduces, is going to attack those kids. Rukia’s
phone is acting up, and the two can’t locate the
hollow themselves. Back in the school yard, a large
caterpillar hollow finds the three kids and swoops
in for a snack, only to be kicked aside by the mod
Catepillar hollow
and the mod soul. |
He fends off the
hollow and lures him to a building roof, away from
the school. Ichigo sees them and saves the mod soul
from a lethal hollow attack. The two manage to
defeat it, but while it flies through the air
dissolving into nothing, the mod soul quickly kicks
it before it hits the ground. The hollow disappears,
but the kick left the mod flying over the railing.
Ichigo only barely manages to catch him in time. He
didn’t want the ants to die when the hollow landed
on them. Ichigo overhears the kids explaining to
their teacher once more that they were saved by a
blood-soaked teen.***
Ichigo asks the mod why he saved them, if he hated
them. The mod replies by retelling the story of how
the day he was created, was the day they decided to
scrap him. Luckily, he fell in the wrong crate, and
was spared. He’s decided he never wants to kill, or
see anyone die, ever again (kind of reminds you of
Trigun’s Vash).
Never to kill, never
to let die. |
Just then, Urahara show up to reclaim the mod soul.
He pokes the mod in the head with his cane (which
sports the same symbol as Rukia’s glove), and the
pill pops out leaving Ichigo’s body inanimate.
Urahara admits he has to destroy it, according to
Soul Society laws. Rukia takes the pill away from
him, and reminds him that he works outside the law
himself. Rukia also reminds him it’s her purchase;
he has no right to take it back.
On the way home, Ichigo
isn’t satisfied with just yelling at a pill. He
searches for a soulless body to slip it into. No
soulless body is found, but an abandoned stuffed
animal is. Rukia reasons it should work, considering
the body she inhabits isn’t real either. Ichigo
slips the pill into the stuffed animal’s mouth. The
mod soul animates it, and threatens Ichigo to
continue their fight (then, panics realizing he is
now much, much shorter). Ichigo grabs the mod soul
by the head, and says he’ll take care of him, “so
say your prayers.” They name him Kon, short for
konpaku (soul).
Kon wakes up Ichigo. |
The next morning,
Kon proves himself a
real nuisance, and a pervert. (This whole morning
scene is especially humorous, I would recommend
getting this episode for it). Ichigo overslept, and
as he dresses he notices Rukia had erased his
friend’s memories of yesterday. He also notices the
date on his watch: June 16th.
Ichigo notices it's
June 16th. |
When he arrives at school,
Ichigo acts rather friendly towards his classmates –
something that Orohime picks up on right away.
Tatsuki explains he only acts that way when he’s
tense. When a classmate mentions it’s June 16th,
Tatsuki knows she’s right. “I know the reason.
Tomorrow is the day he takes off from school.”
A family meeting is held that evening at the
Kurosaki residence. Ichigo’s dad passes out jobs to
Yuzu and Karin for tomorrow (carrying bags and
packing lunches). Afterwards in his room, Ichigo
asks Rukia if he could take the day off tomorrow
from soul reaper work. When Rukia asks why, Ichigo
reveals that tomorrow is the anniversary of the day
his mom was killed. Ichigo dreams that night of that
day, that day his mother died, tormented because he
feels responsible.
Tormented by guilt. |
As the episode closes, two soul reapers converse in
a place that appears to be Soul Society (which looks
very much like feudal Japan), about
Rukia Kuchiki. She’s exceeded her time limit for
staying in the human world and needs to be
Never happened. Ichigo caught up to the mod soul at
the roof.
The kids are never seen with
the teacher. Only in the hollow attack.
Ichigo doesn’t overhear this,
his conversation with Kon is sparked when he notices
the ants.
This scene doesn’t occur in
the manga.