Bleach Episode 8: Memories in the Rain
by Hikaru no Michiru
First Aired:
November 22nd, 2004
Corresponds with “Bleach”
Vol. 3, Chapters 17 - 20
Opening: Asterisk, by
Orange Range
Ending: Life is Like a Boat,
by Rie Fu
It’s the morning of June 17th, which
means the Kurosaki family makes their annual trip to
their mother’s grave. On the way, the Kurosaki
sisters notice a black-haired girl waving in their
direction. Ichigo freaks that Rukia has decided to
tag along and pulls her aside for questioning. She
admits she didn’t ask to come, but she needs to be
around to help Ichigo incase a hollow were to
appear. Rukia reminds Ichigo of what he told her the
other night. She asks that since his spiritual
awareness is so high, if a hollow had killed his
mother. This hits Ichigo where it hurts. Pissed, he
refutes it, and as he walks away, admits to Rukia
that he killed his mother.
The scene changes to Orohime asking Tatsuki about
the old Ichigo
Orohime thinks she’s figured Ichigo out – he’s a
hero, saving mankind. Amused by her friend’s
imagination, Tatsuki tells her about the old Ichigo.
“The first time I met that ‘hero’ was when we were
four…” She and Ichigo
Ichigo and his mom in happier times. |
went to the same dojo,
where she would beat him every day. She actually
made him cry, but whenever his beautiful mom arrived
to pick him up, his tears dried and he became all
smiles. When he was nine, he was still a goofy
clingy momma’s boy. And when he was nine, she died.
Tatsuki remembers seeing him standing by the river
where it happened. Day after day he would pace up
and down, expecting to find something. When he got
tired, he would sit down, but get back up and start
pacing again. Back then, she couldn’t stand to see
him that way.
Now alone with her thoughts, Rukia reflects on her
prior conversation with Ichigo. Rukia realizes she
had gone too far into a subject she had to right to
pry. Kon convinces Rukia to leave Ichigo alone
today. Leaving, Rukia and Kon run into a soul reaper
**. Kon freaks and runs off to find Ichigo.
The events of six years ago were playing through his
mind. He remembers it was raining a lot that day,
and he was walking home with his mom
All his fault. |
from the dojo.
He saw a girl who was going to jump into the river.
Back then, he couldn’t tell the difference
between ghosts and real people. He ran to save her,
and his mom tried to stop him, a train went by –
next thing he remembers his mom is on top of him,
bloodied and dead. He doesn’t remember how it
happened, but he remembers she tried to save him. He
remembers that his mom was the center of his
family’s universe, and he had taken that center out.
The stranger reveals himself to be Saidou Eikichirou,
a soul reaper who was two years ahead of Rukia at
the Central Spirit Technique Institute. Soul Society
is wondering why Rukia hasn’t returned yet. She
refuses to return for the time being. With that,
Saidou resolves that he has to bring her back by
force. Just then, Ichigo arrives with a frantic Kon,
who told him Rukia was in trouble.
A hollow approaches the girls. |
Saidou realizes the boy can see him, and asks who he
is. Rukia tries to stop him, but Ichigo admits he’s
a substitute soul reaper. Saidou isn’t pleased with
this news – Rukia has committed ‘a freakin felony’.
Saidou takes a swing at Ichigo. It’s obvious he has
to fight back, so he reaches into Kon’s mouth, pops
the soul candy and goes into soul reaper form. As
the battle goes on, Saidou comments that Ichigo
relies on brute strength, not a good way to fight.
The battle is interrupted by an order from Soul
Society – a
Soul Reaper vs. soul reaper. |
hollow, a big one.
The soul reapers put aside their conflict to pursue
it. Running to the scene, Ichigo asks if Rukia is
going to keep asking about his mom. Rukia admits
that it’s his problem, and when he’s ready to tell
her about it, he will.
Karin and Yuzu’s prayers are interrupted by the
sound of loud footsteps. Footprints appear in the
.jpg) |
The unnecessary hostage. |
ground, and tree branches break as a disturbance in
the air approaches. They try to run, but it pins
Karin to the ground and grabs Yuzu by the neck with
its long tongue. Yuzu in its sights, the hollow
figures it only needs one hostage.
This scene happens earlier when, before the family
leaves for the grave.
This soul reaper doesn't show
up in the manga. Ichigo didn't see the order, he
sensed the hollow's presence.
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