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Pojo's Anime: Episode Reviews

[ A-H ] [ I-Q ] [ R-Z ]

Episode 1: A girl from the future, Karin.

As the episode start we see a girl from the future, name Karin. Her mission is to return to the past and alter the DNA of the Mega-playboy. She boards her ship and her mission begins.

[Opening theme]

Junta is sitting in the home of Tomoko while she takes a shower. Junta is sitting in the other room, but can still partially see Saeki while she is taking her shower. Junta is holding his mouth in his attempt to not throw up. Tomoko asks Junta to bring her a towel so she can dry off. Junta panics, but slowly begins to bring Tomoko her towel, while trying to not throw up. He hands her a towel and closes his eyes as she puts it on, but he still catches a portion of her right breast with his eyes. Junta immediately runs out of the room to avoid throwing up.

Junta calms himself down and tries to convince himself that this interaction with Tomoko will help him to get over his "allergy" towards females. While this is happening Tomoko walks into the room and is still only wearing her towel. As she walks by Junta he gets a good look at her legs and her behind, all the while trying to convince himself not to throw up. Saeki then begins to talk to Junta and she starts off by saying that she has loved him for a very long time and that Junta will be her first love. Tomoko then drops her towel, as this is happening Junta's head is growing from holding back from throwing up. When Junta gets a better look, though, he realizes that Tomoko is wearing a strapless bathing suit and that it was all a joke. It is all too much for Junta, however, and he still throws up all over the floor while Tomoko screams.

Junta finishes cleaning up his mess and then goes to talk to Tomoko. Tomoko has taken the whole event wrong and thinks that Junta threw up because she is unattractive and a pain to be around. Junta tries to explain, but Tomoko tells him to leave.

As Tomoko walks home, we see that Aoi Karin has arrived from the future and has located Junta. She can not believe that he is the Mega-Playboy. After doing a scan of his face, the results show that there is a 99.9% match between Junta and the Mega-Playboy. Aoi still feels that she must investigate, however, so she puts a tracking bug onto Junta's back.

Junta sits in the restaurant sulking over the day's occurrences when Ami walks up to him. Ami and her family own the place and Ami and Junta have been good friends since they were little kids. Ami tells him to stop feeling sorry for himself. Junta then tells Ami that she must be the only girl for him. Ami is in shock from his statement, Junta has his back turned to Ami, though, so he does not realize her shock. After further analysis, Aoi still can not believe that Junta is really the Mega Playboy

The next day Junta marches off to school with a new attitude. His plan is to apologize to Tomoko and then to ask her out on a date. Junta feels that now is the time to put his puking days to an end. Two of Junta's friends walk up to Junta and tell him that they had been watching dirty videos over the weekend. Junta goes insane over the fact that he was not invited and say that he better be invited next time. Junta then sees Tomoko run by so he follows her. When he sees her yelling at someone, he hides around the corner of a building so that he can listen.

Tomoko is in an argument with her boyfriend Ryuuji. She is upset because he broke their date the day before and also because he has been cheating on her. Tomoko threatens to break up with Ryuuji, but he says that that isn't possible because their DNA draws them to each other. Ryuuji then brings up the point that someone saw Tomoko with another guy the day before. Tomoko says that she was just hanging out with that loser [Junta] because she was mad at Ryuuji. When Junta hears this he becomes depressed and walks away.

While Junta is waling home, Aoi jumps in front of him and with a gun pushed into his chest asks him to have coffee with her.

[Commercial break]

While sitting down in the restaurant, Aoi takes off her armor and Junta realizes that she is a very cute girl. Aoi then explains that her job is to alter people's DNA. She uses a bullet that has a DCM at the tip of the bullet and that is what alters the DNA. Aoi also explains that there is a Mega-Playboy who will father 100 children. I turn, those 100 children will then go out and have 100 children each, and so on. Aoi's job was to come back from the past and alter the DNA of the Mega-Playboy. Aoi then bids the Mega-Playboy farewell and shoots Junta in the chest with a DCM bullet. In the panic Aoi escapes.

Back at her spaceship Aoi is happy because her mission is a success. She will finally be able to fulfill her dream of having a perfect husband, big house, and cute pet; she is also receiving a massive payoff for a successful mission. While sitting there Aoi receives a transmission from the future. The man on the other end is Yokomari, who appears to be Aoi's boss. She tells Yokomari that the mission was a success and Yokomari is very happy, all of a sudden the connection between the two is lost.

At this time, Junta is finally waking up from the effects of being shot from the DCM bullet. To the surprise of all, Junta bounces up unharmed and leaves the cafe.

Back at the spaceship the connection is re established and Yokomari tells Aoi that she brought the wrong bullet with her, Aoi was supposed to bring the bullet with the red stripe. Aoi put the red stripe onto the bullet herself, as to not bring the wrong bullet. She somehow forgot, though, and ended up bringing the wrong bullet.

Junta is on his way home when he sees he is in front of Tomoko's apartment. Junta walks up to the room and when Tomoko answers she invites Junta in. When Junta walks in he sees that Tomoko is wearing a work out outfit and has to fight back the urge to throw up. Tomoko talks about how she lives all alone because her dad is always gone on business, as a result of this she is always lonely, especially at night. Tomoko loses herself and throws herself into Junta's shoulder. When Tomoko looks up Junta sees that she is crying. Seeing Tomoko in this shape triggers Junta to change into the Mega-Playboy. Tomoko turns her back to Junta and begins to cry. In a smooth matter Junta begins to comfort Tomoko. Tomoko gets mad at this and confesses that she was just using Junta the day before and that she was going to get rid of him when he started to like her. Tomoko says that she is a horrible person. Junta says that she is still a good person and after hearing this, Tomoko turns around. When she sees Junta as the Mega-Playboy, the Sparkle Attack gets to her immediately. Her heart begins to ache as she falls in love with Junta. Tomoko doesn't understand what is going on.

Outside of the apartment, Ryuuji has arrived and begins to make his way up to Tomoko's room. All the time wondering why she wants to break up with him and whether or not she has found a new guy with a stronger DNA attraction.

Back at Aoi's spaceship she asks her computer, Oharu-san how the bullet she shot Junta with will effect his DNA. Oharu-san then says that as a result of that DCM bullet there is a 120% chance that Junta will become the Mega-Playboy.

[End of episode]


This summary is the copyright of Andy Diehl, August 2001.

Permission is not given to use this summary on any website other than Pojo Anime.
Permission is not given to use this summary in a magazine unless I am contacted first.