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Pojo's Anime: Episode Reviews

[ A-H ] [ I-Q ] [ R-Z ]

Episode 2: Birth of the Mega Playboy, Junta!

As Saeki moves in to kiss Junta, Junta puts his finger to her lips. Junta then explains that it is not his role to fill because she already has a nice boyfriend. Junta bids her farewell and as he leaves, Saeki is left wondering why she is falling in love with Junta.

After leaving the apartment, Junta changes back to his normal self. He is very excited because he thinks that he has cured his "allergy" towards women. Ryuuji gets out of the elevator just as Junta runs around the corner to go home, so he is not aware that Junta was there. Ryuuji rings the doorbell and tells Saeki to let him in. She tells him no, then she breaks up with him and goes on to say that she has found someone new to love.

Junta is happy and runs to Ami's restaurant. When he enters he tells Ami that he has become a new man. Junta walks over to Ami's father and grabs his dirty magazine, he then comments on how this stuff no longer effects him. After taking one look at the magazine, though, he throws up all over the floor.

Junta is now in bed and wondering why he was able to talk so smoothly and openly to Saeki. He also wonders what Aoi is doing and thinks about how much he would like to see her again.

Back at Aoi's spaceship, Aoi is panicking over her mistake. After thinking about it Aoi realizes that Junta probably has not changed to the Mega Playboy, yet. The only way to know for sure is to find out what type of DCM she used. So, Aoi asks Oharu-san what DCM she used and it turns out the DCM was unregistered. Aoi goes into a panic because she has done something illegal.

DNA controller's law, article 14 states:

"Use of an unregistered DCM results in imprisonment with hard labor for a period not to exceed 6 months".

The next morning Aoi is a wreck because she was not able to sleep at all the night before. Now her plan is to follow Junta's every move so she can view the effects that the DCM have on him.

While waiting for Junta to arrive at school, Aoi sees Tomoko waiting for someone. Aoi uses her helmet to zoom in on Tomoko's face and upon doing so becomes worried. The face that Tomoko is making is that of someone in love. All of a sudden, Tomoko gets excited because she spots the person she has been waiting for. Aoi can not believe it when it turns out to be Junta. Junta looks horrible because he also did not sleep the night before, he thought of Aoi the whole night. As a result, he doesn't even notice Tomoko and walks right by her when she says hello. When this happens Tomoko looks sad and Aoi realizes that she is definitely in love with Junta. Aoi is sure that Junta became the Mega Playboy the night before. Aoi also is able to realize that he is his normal self at the moment, though. Aoi is left questioning herself as to whether he is or is not the Mega Playboy. Ryuuji has been watching the whole time and he can not believe that Junta is Tomoko's new love interest.

In the classroom Kotomi walks up to Ami and tells her the good news, that Tomoko said hello to Junta. At first Ami seems worried and a bit jealous, but then she plays it off as though it's no big thing.

During class everyone is thinking about something besides school. Saeki wants to know how she can tell Junta her true feelings. Ryuuji wants to know why Junta is with Tomoko and swears he will tear Junta limb from limb. Ami won't let herself believe that Junta and Tomoko are together. Then there is Junta, who is asleep on his desk until his instructor finally wakes him up.

After school Junta finds a note in his locker that says to meet the notes writer at the coffee shop, K2R. He gets excited because he thinks Aoi wrote the letter. Aoi sees Junta leave school and follows him.

At K2R, Tomoko is sitting at a table waiting for someone. Ryuuji is outside of the cafe in his limo trying to figure out whom Tomoko's waiting for. The Junta arrives and runs into the coffee shop. Junta seems disappointed however when he finds out the note was really sent by Tomoko. Tomoko apologizes for not writing her name on the letter, she was afraid he wouldn't come if she did. Tomoko tells Junta that it's all right if he hates her and says that she just wanted to apologize for being so mean to him the other day. Tomoko begins to cry and when Junta sees this, the Mega Playboy takes over his body again. Junta uses his sparkle attack to overwhelm Tomoko. Junta says that he doesn't hate her and that her sadness makes his heart ache. Tomoko loses herself and falls into Junta's arms. Junta asks if she broke up with her boyfriend and Tomoko says she doesn't car about him (Ryuuji), it's Junta she loves. Junta then says he loves her also and the two move in to kiss each other. At the sight of this Ryuuji calls Junta a Bastard.

As the two are just about to kiss, a waiter interrupts them and Junta realizes that the whole restaurant is watching them. Juanta then goes back to his normal self. After changing back, Tomoko is so close to Junta that he sees partially down her shirt. At the site of this he needs to hold his mouth in order to stop from throwing up. Aoi doesn't get why he keeps going back and forth, but wonders if it is because his DNA has yet to stabilize.

Ryuuji is in his limo and decides that Junta has done something that he can not forgive. He then calls for the three guys in the back of the limo. When the three guys come into site we see that they are large and muscular and to a certain extent look almost like monsters.

[Commercial break]

Ami and Kotomi are walking down the street and Kotomi notices that Junta and Tomoko are in the coffee shop together. Ami wonders why Junta is there.

Inside, Tomoko wants to know how Junta feels about her and whether or not he is just teasing her. Junta stands up and says he would never do that. Tomoko then closes her eyes and puckers her lips; Junta is scared, but begins to move in for a kiss. At this moment, the three men have walked into the coffee shop. The leader picks up Junta and punches him so hard that he flies across the coffee shop. The leader then steps on Junta and tells him that it isn't that they hate him, but that they are being paid to beat him up. The leader then kicks Junta in the face. While Junta yells for someone to help, the leader picks up Tomoko and throws her into a table. At the site of that, Junta gets mad and tells them not to beat up on women. The three then gang on Junta and beat him up. Tomoko tries to run in and help, but the leader grabs her. He then takes out a knife and cuts off her shirt and skirt.

Outside, Ryuuji is getting mad because it was not part of the plan to beat up on Tomoko.

The leader is trying to pull of Tomoko's underwear, Tomoko is screaming for Junta to help her. After a while of not being sure what to do, Junta jumps up and runs at the leader only to be kicked into the face. Ami is outside, but when she sees this she can not stand around. Ami runs into the coffee shop, grabs a chair, and hits the leader in the back with it. It doesn't do anything, but to anger the leader and as a result Ami gets punched. When Junta sees Ami gets punched he gets mad and transforms into the Mega-Playboy.

Junta tells the three that he is going to send them to hell. One of the guy charges in and goes to punch Junta, but Junta can now move so fast that he moves to in front of the leader without being seen. He then punches the leader, grabs Tomoko, and once again moves to the other side of the room. At the site of the Mega-Playboy, Tomoko's heart begins to ache. Junta then goes back over to the three bad guys. Junta tells them that they have three seconds. They all charge at Junta. Junta chops the first guy in the stomach and says "one", Junta kicks the second guy and says "two", and then Junta punches the third guy and says "three". They are down for the count. At the site of his henchmen's defeat, Ryuuji speeds off in his limo.

Outside, Aoi has been watching the whole time from the top of a building. Aoi jumps off of the building and begins to walk towards the coffee shop. Aoi is telling herself that the Mega-Playboy is the number one threat and that he must be destroyed. When she gets right outside the window of the coffee shop, she takes off her helmet. From inside, Junta looks up at Aoi, and the sparkle attack begins to effect Aoi. She falls for the Mega-Playboy and passes out on the spot.

[End of episode]


This summary is the copyright of Andy Diehl, August 2001.

Permission is not given to use this summary on any website other than Pojo Anime.
Permission is not given to use this summary in a magazine unless I am contacted first.