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Pojo's Anime: Episode Reviews

[ A-H ] [ I-Q ] [ R-Z ]

Episode 1: Hime and Ninja Powers Awaken

A woman is running through the forest with a baby in her arms. Meanwhile a meeting is going on and the head of the meeting is talking about how a boy will grow up and lead the Hokage Ninja with his strong flame. The woman has finally reached her destination; she is still in the woods, but stops. She uses a special technique to open up a time portal, she bids her baby, Recca, a farewell and tells him that someday he will be the greatest ninja.

[Opening sequence]

Recca is running away from Domon, Recca jumps over a wall, but Domon just runs right through it. Recca does a bunch of flips and finally jumps into a tree. When Domon sees this he yells at Recca to get down, Domon asks if Recca is scared to fight him. In reply, Recca asks who would be scared to fight a "nose pierced Mongolian". Domon gets mad and runs and punches the tree, this causes the tree to shake and Recca to fall out. When Domon sees Recca fall out he thinks he has won, but then realizes that it is a dummy with Recca's jacket on. When Domon looks up he sees Recca flip out of the tree and land on a wall on the other side of the yard. Recca then tells Domon that once again his stupidity amazes him.

Domon tells him he's as quick as a monkey, but Recca replies that he is not a monkey, but a ninja. Recca then throws smoke bombs at Domon, but Domon runs out of the smoke and begins to chase Recca. As the two run side by side, Domon falls into a pitfall that was set up by Recca. Domon gets mad and tells Recca that Ninja's suck. In reply to the comment, Recca throws a bunch of firecrackers on Domon and then tells him not to diss the ninjas.

As Recca is walking home we can see that someone is watching Recca through a crystal ball. When Recca gets home he enters a room that is filled with ninja artifacts, weapons, and books. Recca then begins to talk about the ninja's during the time of the civil war, while he is talking the screen is filled with ninja's who are carrying out a mission. We then see Recca practicing his ninja skills and he comments that even though he doesn't understand why, he has wanted to be a ninja his whole life. A growling stomach interrupts Recca's practice, however. Recca goes off in search of food.

Recca goes to ask his dad when lunch is, but when his dad turns around Recca sees that he's smoking a cigarette. Recca immediately kicks his dad in the face and yells at him for smoking around fireworks. Recca's dad returns the kick and Recca ends up on the ground. His dad apologizes and says that he has to go find his own food today.

Once again we can see that a woman is watching Recca through a crystal ball, she mentions that there is no doubt that she is looking at Recca.

In a huge room we see a man who is on fire and yelling for Kouren to save him. The man is left to die. Another man tells a woman to get rid of the body. The leader then tells Kouri about how flawed humans are, no matter how much they gain in life, they end up losing it all to death. The man doesn't want to be like that, so he must find out how to do the legendary Immortal Attack of 400 years ago. Kouri asks who'd know more about the Hokage Ninja then him.

Recca is at a park eating his lunch when he sees a beautiful girl walk by with a group of children. He is so in shock that he drops his mild and sandwich, when he looks back up she is gone. The girl and the group of kids are walking by a construction site, there is a large crane that is holding a bunch of long metal poles. Recca has spotted the girl and begins to follow her. All of a sudden the crane smashes into something and all of the poles being to fall. The girl and a little boy are going to be hit by them so Recca runs up and knocks them out of the way. Recca has been hit by the poles and is left lying there with a bleeding head. The girl runs over and kneels next to him, after looking around she puts her hands on his head. The girl enters into Recca's thoughts and thanks him for saving her life. Recca calls her "hime"(princess), she then walks over to Recca and puts her hands on his head and heals him. Recca then jumps up and runs away, yelling to the crowd that it isn't what they think.

The girl finds Recca sitting on a park bench and thanks him. He asks who she is and she says she's Sakoshita Yanahi. Rekka sees a little stunned and tells Yanagi that she looks like a princess he saw in a dream. Yanagi then sits down and takes Recca's hand. There is a cut on the back of Recca's hand, so Yanagi heels it for him. Recca is stunned and we can also see that the woman has been watching them through her crystal ball.

[commercial break]

Yanagi asks Recca if she's strange and Recca says that she is. Yanagi then says she has no idea why she has these powers and that Recca can not tell anyone of them. Recca says that it would mean big trouble if people knew of her powers. The two begin to laugh, Recca apologizes for messing up her clothes and Yanagi says she doesn't mind because she wears them to play with the children. Recca doesn't get why she wears a uniform then realizes that she goes to the same school as he does, this is why she knew who he was. Recca apologizes for not knowing her, but Yanagi says that it is not a big deal because she is not very social and this is the first time she has ever introduced herself to a stranger. Recca then takes Yanagi by the arm and tells her to come with him, he has something cool to show her for saving his life.

Is looks as though Recca has brought Yanagi to some sort of abandoned Warehouse. On the inside it is very dark, but that is fine because Recca has brought Yanagi to show her fireworks; his family makes fireworks. Yanagi comments that the fireworks are beautiful, Recca then calls Yanagi beautiful, but when she asks if he said anything he says that he didn't.

A wicked laugh begins to echo throughout the warehouse. When Recca asks who is there a whirlwind forms and begins to rip the walls off of the warehouse. The whirlwind gathers in the middle of the room and from it comes a woman. She explains that she has been watching Recca for a while with her Eikai Ball. Recca asks who the hell she is and she replies that she is Kage Houshi. Kage says that she isn't here to alarm Recca, but she needed to show her power so that Recca would believe what she has to say. Recca tries to tell her he doesn't want to listen to a story, but she continues with it anyway.

400 years ago during the Civil War there was a group of ninja's that existed. They were named the Hokage Ninja's, but they were destroyed as a result of internal conflict. Recca was a descendent of the Hokuge and was sent to this ear using a time manipulation technique.

When her story comes to an end, Recca tells her to cut the science fiction and asks what she wants from him. Kane wants to see him flame. Recca has no idea what she is talking about, so Kane asks if he has the power to summon flame through his hands, which is a flame technique inherited from the Hokuga Ninja Flame Masters. Recca tells her that he has no idea what she's talking bout and tells Yanagi that they are going to leave.

Kage asks if he really thinks she'll let him go. Recca says I guess the two of us can't be civil. Recca jumps into the air and throws smoke bombs at Kage and he begins to run with Yanagi. Kage is not effected by the smoke, though, and throws a disc at Recca, which slices his leg. Yanagi goes to heal it, but Recca tells her not to use her power. Kage then apologizes for not being able to let him go. Kage throws her knife at Recca, but Recca jumps and dodges it. Kage attacks Recca with a knee to the guy and a punch and the sends him down with a kick. Kage says that all Recca has to do is create his flame and all of this will be over.

Yanagi stands up and puts herself between Kage and Recca. Yanagi asks Kage if she enjoys hurting people, she then asks Kage to stop hurting Recca. Kage walks right up to Yanagi and asks why she doesn't just heal Recca's wounds. Kage then slices Yanagi across the chest, as Yanagi falls, Recca catches her. Yanagi apologizes for being such a burden then she passes out. Yanagi has her hand on Recca's leg and is still trying to heal it despite being knocked out. Recca begins to have flash backs of his and Yanagi's day. He [Recca] then says that he is for her [Yanagi]. Kage then begins to laugh because Yanagi has this great power, yet, she is not able to heal herself.

Kage asks how Recca would like to be finished then asks if he's angry yet. Recca calls her a psycho bitch and throws up a smoke screen, Kage laughs and says it won't work again. Kage says she can still see him and throws a knife at him. The knife hits what appears to be Recca, but it turns out to only be his jacket, Kage is surprised at Recca's technique. Recca appears behind Kage and is going to hit her, but she transports to the top of the building. She says that his ninja skills aren't bad, but she's disappointed that he won't use his real power. Kage transports behind Recca, she slaps and kicks him around for a bit. She then slices him across the stomach and punches him into a wall. Kage says that maybe she will kill the little girl [Yanagi].

Kage draws back her knife to kill Yanagi, but Recca screams out not to and when he does this his hand bursts into flames. Kage is now happy because it proves that he is an ancestor of the Hokage Ninja Flame Masters. Recca yells out as he tries to put the flames out. He finally focuses his energy and fires a blast at Kage, it causes no damage to her and she says that if he wants her dead then he better get stronger. Kage then disappears and Recca runs to Yanagi.

It is now nighttime and Recca is carrying Yanagi home in his back, she begins to wake up. She wants to know if Recca is all right and also where Kage is. Recca replies that he made her go away and he then calls Yanagi his hime [princess].

Yanagi- "Hime?"
Recca- "You are now my Hime and I am your ninja."

Yanagi thinks it sounds a little weird, but Recca says it doesn't matter because a ninja must protect his hime. Yanagi then begins to cry because she is so relieved. Yanagi then apologizes because she has just wiped her nose on Recca by mistake, the two then begin to laugh.

[End of episode]


This summary is the copyright of Andy Diehl, August 2001.

Permission is not given to use this summary on any website other than Pojo Anime.
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