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Pojo's Top 10
I recently stumbled
across your anime page here and I had to submit my picks for
the best 10 anime of all time.
10. Dragonball. If anything, Dragonball is the show
that laid the groundwork for all fantasy Martial Arts anime.
It makes the list because of the way the characters and
action are portrayed. The tack of following the adventures
of the most innocent martial artist in the world lead to
some of the funniest anime ever. Just Goku's naive antics
are enough to carry the show all by it self. With the hordes
of supporting characters and villains, Dragonball hits hard
with both action and comedy. Also, because it's the early
days of the Dragonball series, there is more real fighting
and cool moves. It's far superior to DBZ because the fights
have limits. There is none of the flurry punching that is
all to prevalent in DBZ and there is opportunity for special
styles of martial arts and just plain funky moves (Crazy
Monkey Style, etc.). The fights are great because this is
not a melodramatic anime like DBZ. It's just one of the best
out there, plain and simple.
9. Macross. The first project that renowned director
Shinichiro Watanabe worked on, macross is the epitome of
sci-fi military drama. It was probably the first anime that
I remember watching regularly. I followed the whole story
and was always dreaming of flying one of the veritech
fighters. It was one of the coolest and most impressive
anime's of all time, especially due to its age.
8. InuYasha. It's a lengthy, gory, softy love story.
It's one of the sweetest animes but at the same time has
plenty of demon rending action. Due to its length, it has
extensive character development especially in the bad guys.
It also holds this slot soley for the presence of the fifth
greatest anime character, Sessomaru. As the series
progresses, you always want to see more of Sessomaru and
would rather be watching the Sessomaru Show!
7. Yu-Yu Hakusho! Finally, a teen angst drama with
real angst!!! Hakusho is a real off the wall anime from the
first episode! What other shows make such a strong statement
by having the hero of the story start off dead? Yu-Yu
Hakusho is sort of the grown up version of DBZ and has the
requisite dialog. Probably the best part of the show is the
constant bantering and one liners from the characters.
"Tell me, what's worse? Losing to an old man or a clown?"
"A clown, definitely a clown!"-- Kuwabara
*sigh*-- Kurama
It just has loads of hilarious dialog and off the wall
comments that make it one of the best. There's also the
constant rivalry between the heroes that makes it even more
Aside from being darn funny, it is also a very serious show.
It has a depth unlike DBZ that makes it hit harder on every
front. It confronts death in real world terms, unlike wish
backable heroes in DBZ. It deserves the position of No. 7
all time for sure.
6. Trigun. Much lighter at times but very serious at
the end of the show. It's the one anime that has defined the
Western as a viable anime genre. Probably one of the most
popular animes in the west, Vash the Stampede's
misadventures are the perfect pick me up on a sad day.
5. Neon Genesis Evangelion. I have bad marks against
this one. Let it be noted that this one is definitely 17+ at
times. It's one of the coolest shows ever created, from it's
crazy mech combat with the Angels to the complete technical
precision it portrays in the form of NERV and the whole of
operations done there. It's a very serious show with only a
little comic relief. It's very philosophical at times and
goes way over practicality. It's more of an in depth study
of mankind than a general type of philosophy that you can
apply to your own life.
Also, it is the first show to have a purple headed Major
who's has the initials M.K.
4. Tenchi Muyo! Called the anime that defined harem
anime, Tenchi Muyo! Is probably my all time favorite just
cause I'm such a softie. In it's portrayal of women, it goes
above and beyond what you would normally expect from an
anime and does a down right hilarious job of it too. Nothing
compares with seeing how inept some of the girls are in
different areas of common life (Ieka and Ryoko make for some
funny scenes). There is a great deal of humor that would be
missed by young audiences but it's still pretty clean.
Combat is limited in the show but excellently done in the
few fights. The sword play is magnificent. One of the best
scenes is the opening introduction of the first episode
where Ryoko is hunting down Tenchi in his school. It's very
cool, especially with the whole lightsaber esque thing.
Above all, the one thing that makes this anime is the
character Washu. The most perfect being in all existence,
she is the absolute best character in all of anime. She
combines understanding, grace, absolute power and brilliance
in a person who knows who she is and therefore acts like she
wants to. She is bound by neither her age (22,000+ years)
nor her intellect and acts flippant and sarcastic just to
throw everyone off. Even Ieka is taken aback by her
casualness and relaxed behavior. She knows how to live and
has lived for too long to act proper all the time. She's
funloving, joke telling, and completely understanding. She
knows just about everything but never acts like a know it
all. Ahhh.... I'm ranting again... but she's perfect, no
doubt about it!
It's just a cool show with a bit of science and an overdose
of female competition.
3. Full Metal Alchemist: Absolute brilliance. It is
one of the must see shows of the 21st century and has an
excellent English dub that really captures the characters.
It is very military and a big science show. It is a story of
two brothers bound by a strange fate, who live in an
alternate reality governed by strange laws. Unlike our
reality, they exist
independent of Entropy and the laws of thermodynamics. They
can cheat physics through the science of Alchemy. Instead of
Thermodynamics, they have the laws of Equivalent exchange.
It's a very cool world that echos our reality. It's actually
set in 1916 or something but in the alternate reality. It is
a very deep show dealing heavily with loss and real living
philosophy. It deals with the important philosophy of life
like sacrifice, loss, when to take a life, and other banes
of mankind. It has a good deal of comic relief and a large
amount of character development. It also brings back
characters often. One of the characters in the first two
episodes becomes a pivotal character later in the series and
in the last episodes.
Full Metal Alchemist is one of the best all time from an
action standpoint as well. One of the coolest parts of being
an alchemist in their world is that they are not just
wizards of science. They are often experts at hand to hand
combat, they are fighters, or soldiers. One of the best
characters in the show is a tank like alchemist named Major
Armstrong. Unlike the stereotypical image of an wizard like
alchemist, he is a massive bear of a man possessing a
perfect physique and a total mastery of his muscles. He is
the inheritor of both a massive fortune, body, and alchemy
technique which he always boasts of when he faces a foe.
"And now, witness the technique that has been passed down
the Armstrong line for generations!" is his battle cry.
The show has an extensive amount of character development
including episodes that seem to be completely comic relief.
That said, the show isn't a directly linear serial. It has
several episodes where the main characters never are even
shown. They often center around Colonel Roy Mustang's unit.
Many times, they have hilarious episodes about the quirks of
the military, especially those attached to Mustang's
command. As a tough blow for fans, one of the most popular
characters is killed off half way through the series. It is
especially painfull because he is very close with everyone.
Lt. Col. Huges is murdered in the capitol city due to
intrugue. He was assassinated. What hits home is that he
leaves behind a young wife and daughter. It hurts because he
has always bragged about his daughter even before she was
born. The show developes over a long time and she has the
chance to grow to the age of three before her father is
murdered. It has to be the saddest moment in the whole show
when they have his funeral. He was buried with full military
honors and promoted to the rank of Brigadire General
posthumously. It is the turning point for every character in
the show and makes this anime truly deep.
2. Ghost in the Shell: Just too cool. Those three
words are the reason it's No.2. The Stand Alone Complex is
the coolest future anime period. It is a show about the near
future and is set in 2030. It has to be the most accurate
prediction of our future yet based that it is a world much
like our own with a subtle difference. Two more world wars
later and after the Japanese Miracle. The world is smaller
than it has ever been. The invention of radiation scrubber
technology has enabled the world to continue as it had for
years before. The story follows the elite crime prevention
unit Public Security Section 9. Aside from the cool
characters, it must be noticed that most people in the world
are hardly people. Most people have a level of cyberization
and some even have full prosthetic bodies.
It is the coolest show just because of the level of
technology predicted, and the Major. The second Major M.K.,
Motoko Kusinage is the woman that Misato Katsuragi is not.
She is professional, cool, very level headed, and serious.
She is very understanding, wise, competent, and brilliant
all at once. She could be considered the second Washu
character except that this time her expertise is in the
realm of combat.
It's a very military show with very military themes. It's
also a great show for political buffs and techno geeks. It's
got something for everyone.
1. Cowboy Bebop. It's a masterpiece of Japanese art
unlike any other. Shinichiro Watanabe's grand vision, it is
the greatest sci-fi anime of all time. Watch all 26 sessions
any you will agree. Nothing more can be said except that
Yoko Kanno's music makes the show what it is.
It is the most brilliant show and must be watched many times
to gain true appreciation of it. I have seen every session 6
times or more and would watch them a hundred times more.
It is rife with cameos, shoutouts, and tributes to the many
fads and fashions of the 20th century and has deep roots in
music of our time, including sever episodes titled after
rock and rool hits.
Well, those are my 10
PowerDE @ hbu . edu |