Arcana Force EX - The Chaos Ruler
Arcana Force EX – The Chaos Ruler

Arcana Force EX – The Chaos Ruler – #SUDA-EN034

3 “Arcana Force” monsters with different names
Must be Special Summoned (from your Extra Deck) by sending the above cards from either field to the GY. If this card is Special Summoned: Toss a coin.
● Heads: Special Summon 1 Level 10 “Arcana Force” monster from your hand or Deck, ignoring its Summoning conditions.
● Tails: Add 1 card from your Deck to your hand that has a coin tossing effect.
While “Light Barrier” is in the Field Zone, your opponent cannot activate the effects of monsters on the field.

Date Reviewed:  February 28th, 2025

Rating: 4

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale. 1 is awful. 3 is average. 5 is excellent.

Reviews Below:

KoL's Avatar
King of

Hello Pojo Fans,

Arcana Force EX – The Chaos Ruler is the last bit of support we are looking at this week and this is a Fusion that works very well in the archetype without handcuffing them.

Like the previous “Ruler” Arcana Force monsters, you’ll need three monsters, but this time they all have to be Arcana Force monsters. On the plus side, you don’t need to control them all and this card sends the monsters from the field to the grave to Special Summon itself so you don’t need to run any Fusion Spell cards. This also counters Hierophant’s Tails effect which would Special Summon an Arcana Force monster from your Deck to your opponent’s side of the field.

3300/3300 big body fits in perfectly with the OTK mentality of Arcana Force. Now onto the coin flip: Heads can Special Summon a Level 10 Arcana Force monster from hand or Deck. Chaos Ruler being able to Special Summon one of its other forms without the Summoning Conditions having to be met is a useful effect IF your build runs a copy of either. If you don’t, this effect is meaningless. Tails will search any coin toss effect card from your Deck to your hand. This effect is much more useful and will always be a welcomed choice with Light Barrier on the field. Don’t get me wrong, if you have Light Barrier and run a Arcana Force EX monster in your Deck, this with that monster is almost lethal on a clear field and this is an OTK strategy. However, fetching a con flip card effect is always going to be useful and with almost every card in the archetype needing a coin flip (or every card you’d run), this is the preferred effect.

Ease of summoning facilitates OTK’s. Arcana Force EX – The Chaos Ruler can be easily summoned like The Sun. While the Heads effect isn’t useful unless you run a copy of the Light or Dark Ruler (which this monster’s ease of summoning may facilitate now), the coin flip effect search is always applicable. Not needing a Fusion Spell prevents extra cards in the strategy and Hierophant’s downside gets balanced out because of this ability. Great new monster to help with the OTK and it gives you the potential to play The Light Ruler or The Dark Ruler without it being a complete brick.

Advanced- 4/5     Art- 4.5/5

Until Next Time,

Crunch$G Avatar

We end the week off for Arcana Force with a new Fusion Monster to give the archetype a boss monster you don’t have to draw: Arcana Force EX – The Chaos Ruler.

The Chaos Ruler is a Level 10 LIGHT Fairy Fusion with 3300 ATK and DEF. Good stats for a Level 10 Fusion, plus LIGHT Fairy on it like every other Arcana Force. The Fusion Materials are any 3 Arcana Force monsters with different names and it must be summoned from the Extra Deck by sending the above materials from either side of the field to the graveyard, so thankfully we don’t have to add Polymerization to the Deck. With the new cards, getting 3 Arcana Force monsters on the field is far from as hard as it used to be. Upon Special Summon, you toss a coin where heads lets you summon any Level 10 Arcana Force monster from the hand or Deck, ignoring summoning conditions, and tails lets you add any card from your Deck to your hand with a coin-tossing effect. Thankfully the Arcana Force monsters have two good effects no matter what the coin lands on. The heads effect is nice to get The Light Ruler or The Dark Ruler onto the field, both each having solid effects to protect themselves and help finish the game, I personally think The Dark Ruler is better, but it is player preference, I just don’t think you should run more than 1 copy between the two of them, with the choice being yours of course. Tails is also solid for searching for your Arcana Force-related cards that help your game state as well, so it’ll never be bad to land on. Finally, while Light Barrier is in the Field Zone, your opponent cannot activate the effects of monsters on the field, because I guess Arcana Force needs a floodgate effect like this to become even remotely viable. It’s a great boss monster on your field that’s easy to summon, can either get another boss monster on the field or get you to a card you need and has a floodgate that stops the opponent from attempting to play the game. The Extra Deck of Arcana Force isn’t cramped, so you can throw 3 of these in, especially if you run Pot of Extravagance. We still need more for this archetype, we are missing The Strength and The Hanged Man from the anime, but this is certainly a good start to revitalize Arcana Force.

Advanced Rating: 4/5

Art: 4.5/5 A mix of The Light Ruler and The Dark Ruler.

Mighty Vee

While it’s not a retrain of ZA WARUDO as people hoped for, this is still just as good! Ending the week is the new boss monster of Arcana Force, combining their two former bosses– Arcana Force EX – The Chaos Ruler. It’s a level 10 LIGHT Fairy Fusion monster, mirroring its original forms, and it’ll take any 3 Arcana Force monsters as Fusion material. That would’ve been completely absurd to fulfill before this support, but thankfully its summoning condition makes things much easier. Curiously, The Chaos Ruler (to avoid confusion with the actual “Chaos Ruler”) takes a noticeable hit to its stats, with only 3300 attack and defense instead of the original duo’s 4000. It’s still a great stat spread, but I guess Konami still hates making 4000 attack beatsticks that are easy to summon.

Mirroring the original Light and Dark Rulers, The Chaos Ruler has its own summoning condition, requiring you to send the materials from either side of the field. This, in addition to being hilarious in the mirror match, lets you weaponize the failure effects of both Arcana Force V – The Hierophant and Arcana Force VII – The Chariot since you’ll be able to send them from your opponent’s field as well. It’s also a roundabout way to get Arcana Force XXI – The World into your Graveyard if you summon it with Hierophant. In typical Arcana Force fashion, The Chaos Ruler’s first effect triggers if it’s Special Summoned to toss a coin. If you get heads, you will (mandatory, because Arcana Force is weird that way) Special Summon a level 10 Arcana Force monster from your hand or deck, naturally ignoring its summoning conditions. Neither of the original Rulers are particularly amazing, but experts seem to agree Arcana Force EX – The Dark Ruler is preferable since its heads effect will practically guarantee an OTK after a successful turn skip. The tails effect is the one we really want when going first, simply searching any card with a coin toss effect. The bread and butter turn skip combo will want to search Arcana Reading to revive The World after summoning it with Hierophant and using it as Fusion fodder, but as always, search whatever you need for your endboard goals– more conservative combos might want to search follow-up or additional copies of Light Barrier just in case something horrible happens (something distressingly common when you’re playing Arcana Force, I might add). Speaking of Light Barrier, that brings us to The Chaos Ruler’s final effect– as long as there is a Light Barrier active, The Chaos Ruler will prevent your opponent from activating monster effects. A simple and standard but fairly strong floodgate; if you could summon it more quickly, you’d be able to stop Hand Traps, but that is unfortunately not the case. Obviously it’ll put a stop to many combo lines, but do note that monsters like these are incredibly vulnerable to boardbreakers and backrow-based removal; in fact, just getting rid of Light Barrier is enough to make The Chaos Ruler a sitting duck, not to mention the omni-present Infinite Impermanence. Still, The Chaos Ruler is a fantastic new sub-boss given how versatile it is; it’s an OTK enabler, combo piece, and endboard piece all in one. If only Arcana Force itself was a little better.

+Can extend combos or enable OTKs with Arcana Force EX – The Dark Ruler
+Solid floodgate on impressive stats
-Relies on RNG or multi-card combos to reliably field 
-Very weak to boardbreakers and backrow-based removal

Advanced: 4/5
Art: 4.25/5 I was expecting it to have 4 heads this time around, but maybe there’s a 3 reference from GX I’m blanking on.

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