Genetic Apex - Blastoise ex
Genetic Apex – Blastoise ex

Genetic Apex – Blastoise ex

Date Reviewed:  March 25, 2025

Ratings Summary:
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale. 1 is horrible. 3 is average. 5 is great.

Reviews Below:

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Note: The full Shining Revelry (Set A2b) has not yet been revealed at the time of this writing. The article below will be written with no spoilers for the set, and I will attempt to write as if I had no idea what is coming.

Blastoise ex (A1 056, 256) is a Stage 2, Water Type Pokémon ex that evolves from Wartortle. It has 180 HP, (L) Weakness, (C)(C)(C) Retreat Cost, and two attacks. For (W)(C), it can use “Surf” to do 40 damage. For (W)(W)(C), it can use “Hydro Bazooka” to do 100 base damage. Hydro Bazooka has an effect stating that, if the Pokémon using it has at least an extra two (W) Energy attached, Hydro Bazooka does +60 damage. Blastoise ex is available at the ♦♦♦♦ and ★★ rarities.

As a Stage 2, Blastoise ex has to evolve from a Wartortle, which in turn must evolve from a Squirtle. That’s two extra cards and turns for Blastoise ex to hit the field. An Active Squirtle or Wartortle may be prevented from evolving by an Aerodactyl ex (A1a 046, 078, 084), thanks to its “Primeval Law” Ability. If things go well, Blastoise ex will have the stats or effects to compensate for these drawbacks.

As a Pokémon ex, Blastoise ex gives up an extra point when KO’d, and takes extra damage from the attacks of Tauros (A1a 060) and Sudowoodo (A2a 036, 079). Thanks to the non-ex Blastoise (A1 055; P-A 026), we’ll get some idea of what being a Pokémon has done for Blastoise ex. However, that will wait until later in the view, when I also cover our options for Squirtle and Wartortle.

The (W) Typing is very good! It may be the best supported Type, overall. Manaphy (A2 050, 162)Misty (A1 220, 267)Vaporeon (A1a 019, 072) and Irida (A2a 072, 087) are great, and there are many already great (W) Pokémon. As for exploiting (W) Weakness, it lets Blastoise ex OHKO Heatran (A1a 013) without the extra damage for Hydro Bazooka, and Charizard ex (A1 036, 253, 280, 284) plus Infernape (A2 029, 181, 197) with the bonus damage.

Blastoise ex has 180 HP, the second highest printed score in Pocket, and only 10 less than the max. Only the hardest hitting attacks can OHKO Blastoise ex, though (L) Weakness will make it a little easier. The real danger from that Weakness, however, is making 2HKOs easier, faster, or more reliable. The Retreat Cost of (C)(C)(C) can be a problem as well; if Blastoise is prematurely promoted to the Active position, it’s probably stuck.

Surf, Blastoise ex’s first attack, does 40 damage for two Energy; this is decent. Articuno ex (A1 084, 258, 275) can even do the same thing, just under the name “Ice Wing”. I always thought Ice Wing was slightly nerfed because of Misty, to reduce donks. Either Surf is also nerfed, because the devs think Hydro Bazooka is that much better than Articuno ex’s “Blizzard” attack, or Blastoise ex’s Surf is a little underpowered. It can’t hit the field until Turn 5 or 6, so no need to worry about donks by then.

For (W)(W)(C), Blastoise can use Hydro Bazooka. 100 damage for three is good. Not “great”, but “good”. Hydro Bazooka’s effect fakes Blastoise ex having a third attack, since Blastoise ex can do 160 damage if it has at least (W)(W)(W)(W)(C) attached. No, you cannot cover the (C) Energy cost with a (W) Energy and still count is at “extra” for the attack’s effect. You’ll need five total Energy to do 160 damage. Very few things can survive that, at least before damage reducing effects, HP buffs, etc.

Now let’s discuss Squirtle (A1 053, 232; P-A 033), Wartortle (A1 054), and Blastoise (A1 055; P-A 029). All are (W) Pokémon with (L) Weakness, no Abilities, and a single attack. Squirtle is a Basic with 60 HP, Retreat Cost (C), and the attack “Water Gun”. For (W), Water Gun does 20 damage. Wartortle is a Stage 1 with 80 HP, Retreat Cost (C), and the attack “Wave Splash”. For (W)(C), Wave Splash does 40 damage. Blastoise is a Stage 2 with 150 HP, Retreat Cost (C)(C)(C), and the attack “Hydro Pump”.

For (W)(W)(C), Hydro Pump does 80 damage, but if you overpay by at least (W)(W), Hydro Pump does another 60 damage (140 total). Blastoise is literally the non-ex counterpart to Blastoise ex, letting us know being worth two points earned Blastoise ex +30 HP, the “bonus” attack of Surf, and +20 to the base damage of it’s main attack. You have no choice but to run Squirtle and Wartortle, but only include this Blastoise if you don’t have a second Blastoise ex for your deck.

What deck? Blastoise ex decks, of course. Here’s the write-up over for them at Pokémon Zone, while this link will take you to LimitlessTCG’s Pocket coverage for Blastoise ex decks since Triumphant Light dropped. Unfortunately, Blastoise ex decks are an example of a functional deck that, while not bad, seems inferior to the equivalent options. How so?

Just as we’re not hurting for (W) support, we’re also not hurting for (W) attackers. You can run and support an entire Stage 2 line or you can:

1) Go with Palkia ex (A2 049, 182, 204, 206).

2) Go with Gyarados ex (A1a 018, 076).

3) Go with Articuno ex.

4) Go with Starmie ex (A1 076, 257).

Many of these have variants, so its more than just four (W) decks outperforming Blastoise ex decks. Sometimes they’re used on their own, sometimes they’re used together, but the important thing to remember is they’re used more and with more success than Blastoise ex decks.

It’s not all bad, though. I didn’t even realize Blastoise ex decks were still a thing, with a 45% Win Rate. Probably because their Metagame Share is 0.38 precent. Meaning, four every 10,000 decks, 38 are Blastoise ex. Yeah, that means less than four in every 1,000, or less than 1 in every 100.

Rating: 3/5

No, really, it is not bad! I didn’t expect to rate Blastoise ex this well when I added it to the schedule. In fact, I tried to remove it, because of some earlier issues that resulted in articles posting late (or posting on time but empty). However, it was left on the schedule, so I dove into a review for a card I mostly only covered because I felt bad not reviewing the Gen 1 Starters, when I had time. Blastoise ex would not be a Top Tier deck if all other (W) attackers suddenly vanished, but it’d see more play and maybe a little more success.

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