Go Rogue,
Go Pro
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What's up, you guys?! So I guess there was a pretty
freaking long vacation that Pojo had...so I decided to
take one myself by going to Ofakon as Klein from Sword
Art Online...and it was awesome. xD. Anyway, it's time
to do some reviews...
Lamp Camel
Power: 9000
Grade 2
Clan: Great Nature
Race: High Beast
[AUTO](VC/RC):[Counter Blast (2)] When this unit's
attack hits, if you have a «Great Nature» vanguard, you
may pay the cost. If you do, draw a card.
...so we went from Lollies to camels...still not the
weirdest transition, but still just plain odd. Anyway,
Lamp Camel is a Libra clone where if it hits, you can
Counterblast 2 to draw a card. The effect is alright,
but it's not really made for this particular style of
deck especially how most Great Nature players are using
Geograph Giant, Monoculous Tiger and Compass Lion as
their main Grade 2 lineup, so there really isn't much
space to utilize this.
The only good way I can see this combo nicely is with
Armed Instructor, Bison, but aside from that, it's still
a minimum amount of benefit.
Rating: 2/5
Art: 2/5 (It's a freaking camel...)
Next time: I don't know why, but looking at this picture
kinda reminds me of Sean Connery...
Go Rogue...Go Pro!!!
...and DON'T be a Sackboy!!!