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Demon World Marquis, Amon
- #BT03/002EN
Date Reviewed:
Mar. 7, 2013
CONT【V】: During your turn, this unit gets Power +1000 for each «Dark Irregulars» in your soul.
ACT【V】: [Counter Blast (1) & Choose one of your «Dark Irregulars» rear-guards, and put it into your soul] Your opponent chooses one of his or her rear-guards, and retires it.
Rating: 3.0
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
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"Gale" Gaylord |
Demon World Marquis, Amon is one of the better Grade 3s to come out of
Demonic Lord Invasion (gee, I wonder why?), and
while he's largely overshadowed by the likes of
Tsukuyomi and Palamedes, he's definitely worth his salt.
Amon leads one of the armies of the Dark Zone nation,
plotting against the neighboring United Sanctuary.
During your turn, a Vanguard Amon receives 1K for each Dark Irregulars
unit in your soul. He's normally sitting at around +6K
the turn he comes down, but Amon could easily reach much
greater heights due to the nature of the Dark Irregulars
clan to soul charge like no other. This gives you the
convenience of prioritzing your boosters for rear-guard
columns, as he probably won't need one himself. That's
certainly a good thing given the clan's general lack of
an advantage engine.
Amon's other ability allows you to counterblast one and move one of
your rear-guard Dark Irregulars to the soul in order to
retire a rear-guard of your opponent's choice. This
one-one exchange holds the most potency in the early
stages of a game, picking off pesky first Vanguards and
boosters before they get to work their magic. Later on,
the ability can be used in tandem with Doreen the
Thruster to make intimidating rear-guard lanes that
threaten to end the game, especially if you're
sucking up used copies of Yellow Bolt. And it should go
without saying, but Amon is feeding his own innate power
buff in the process. The synergy here is great.
If I had to fault him for anything, it's the 10K defense and relatively
unflexible deck he's in. He doesn't look so great
alongside Alfred, CoCo, and Garmore. Nonetheless, Amon
is a rather timeless card that isn't held back by the
Limit Break mechanic, so his future is looking good. 3/5
David NavyCherub Lynn |
Demon World Marquis, Amon
Amon is a card designed on the pin of a needle. That is
to say, he was designed with balance in mind, and
balanced he is, almost to a fault.
The second ability Amon has allows him to consume one of
your own Dark Irregulars and have your opponent retire
one of their own rear guards for the cost of one
counterblast. This is pretty much exactly what you can
expect to get for one counterblast - a one for one, a
wash. It simplifies the state of the game and fuels
various Dark Irregular soul charging gimmicks (such as
Doreen the Thruster), but as a retiring ability it does
not match up to those that the more retire-heavy clans
have because your opponent gets to choose the one they
lose, meaning they will almost always have a way to
replace it, didn't really need it, or what have you.
But, you are in the same boat, so once again it is
completely even.
The cool, obvious thing about that skill is that it
directly synergies with his first one. Amon gains 1000
power on your turn for each Dark Irregular in your soul.
This, combined with his own other skill and the skills
of a plethora of Dark Irregular units, makes it so that
Amon attacks for huge numbers and only continues to grow
as the game goes on. In fact, he can potentially become
so large that you might not even need to boost him,
allowing for even more gimmicks. For example, you could
simply never have to commit a card to the spot behind
Amon or you could put a Yellow Bolt there that can soul
charge every turn without costing you much in the power
department while also fueling Amon's strength and making
Doreen the Thruster a guaranteed 9k booster at the very
least every turn. It's all very cool and fun, but a
gimmick is still a gimmick, and nothing here is
consistent or even really very threatening to your
opponent. Vanguards like Amon who have nothing but their
pure strength going for them fall into the trap of "no
guard or perfect guard" easily, so it's not like Amon
himself is putting a ton of pressure on your opponent.
And getting huge Doreens is nice, too, but making use of
those columns on the average turn where you get at most
one soulcharge requires very specific combinations of
cards, too. Amon isn't even great defensively - he's a
10k vanguard, another example of balance (his huge
offense being kept in check by his blah defense) making
him less impressive than he has the potential to be.
He's easily abused by the all too common 20k columns we
have today.
In the end, Amon's not great, but since he doesn't
really do anything outright wrong and he enables his
clan's skills well enough, he's not really bad, either.