Go Rogue,
Go Pro
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What's up, you guys?! It's Friday, and it's time to
end this week with...
Glass Beads Dragon
Power: 9000
Grade 2
Clan: Neo Nectar
Race: Forest Dragon
[AUTO](VC/RC):[Counter Blast (2)] When this unit's
attack hits, if you have a «Neo Nectar» vanguard, you
may pay the cost. If you do, draw a card.
So we're looking at a Maiden of Libra clone, huh?
Well, honestly, this and his clan carbon copy, Maiden of
Rainbow Wood, are actually pretty essential for Neo
Nectars. Why? Think about it: aside from Musketeers, how
many Neo Nectar cards use Counterblast? Let's list them
Glass Beads Dragon
Maiden of Rainbow Wood
Maiden of Trailing Rose
Caramel Popcorn
Fruit Baskets Elf
With that said, it's a relatively small list which
makes room for a LOT of damage to actually Counterblast,
and for Neo Nectar, what better way to abuse it than by
getting a card advantage whether it's with Maiden of
Trailing Rose/Rainbow Wood or Glass Beads Dragon? Art
wise, I personally like this over Rainbow Wood *FLAME
SHIELDS UP* which makes using him in my build all the
more reason especially seeing how it fits the theme of
Arboros Dragon even more. Anyway, back to the actual
card. The reason why most Neo Nectar players like using
this card is not just because his effect gives a decent
plus in cards, but mainly because of the lack of
fighting over Counterblasts in the deck. Also, with
Glass Beads on the field, it also acts as an excellent
Damage Sponge as most players will try their best just
to try and get rid of the looming threat and go as far
as trying to get a majority of their attacks on him.
Overall, Glass Beads Dragon gets praise not for being
unique...which is the exact opposite...but because of
the lack of cards in the clan that actually utilize
Counterblast, so with that said, there's more for him to
Rating: 4/5
Art: 4/5
Next Time: It'll be June...time to go swimming! xD
Go Rogue...Go Pro!!!
Heroic |
Glass Beads Dragon
One of two
hit-and-draw units available to Neo Nectar, Glass Beads
Dragon has almost everything technical in common with
Maiden of Rainbow Wood. Sporting a solid 9k for a grade
two, if he hits, you can counterblast two cards and draw
one. Just about every clan has a clone of this type of
unit, but what makes Glass Beads useful is that Neo
Nectar makes much less use of counterblasts than many
other clans. Particularly in an Arboros Dragon focused
deck, which has a ride chain and limit break that does
not make use of the counterblast at all, Glass Beads
really shines. In conjunction with Sephirot’s limit
break, Glass Beads can swing for large numbers AND draw
cards for doing it, and since there is nothing else that
requires the counterblast, you are free to use it up
whenever you can. Threatening an 8 or 9k rear guard AND
to draw a card can play tricks on an opponent’s mind,
making them guard an attack that they probably
Other Neo Nectar
themes, such as Musketeers and Trailing Rose require
occasional use of counterblast, making Glass Beads
Dragon a little less useful in those builds. It seems
that this forest dragon has a natural place with the
others of his kind. Any deck revolving around a ride
chain can make excellent use of a card drawing engine,
and Glass Beads Dragon meshes well in that regard.
Rating: 4/5 –
Great in Arboros Dragon decks; less good in others.