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Yggdrasil Maiden Elaine
- #TD01/014EN
Date Reviewed:
May 6, 2013
(You may only have up to four cards with "HEAL" in a deck.)
Rating: 4.33
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
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Heroic |
Yggdrasil Maiden Elaine
Elaine is quite
possibly the most default choice of card to put in a
Royal Paladin deck. She is currently the only heal
trigger available to the Royal Paladin clan and, while
playing heal triggers is technically optional, most
players will opt fit a full four into their decks.
Outside of being a heal trigger, Elaine is vanilla with
the typical 5k power/ 10k shield found on most grade 0,
non-draw trigger units.
If you want to
play Royal Paladins with heal triggers, then you play
Elaine. There really isn’t any more to say than that.
Rating: 5/5 –
Its the only Royal Paladin heal trigger available (in
the TCG).
"Gale" Gaylord |
Er uh... hi? This is an oddball for sure.
There's not a whole lot to say. Heal Triggers play an
important role in the vast majority of decks, as they
keep you in the game longer and, if activated after a
counterblast, effectively provide a free unflip so as to
allow more wiggle room for skill usage. Elaine herself
is nothing special amongst her kin, nor do I
particularly like her visual aesthetic (Enthusiastic
Jewel Knight, Polly should be showing up later this
year; she's a beauty), but you're going to be playing 4
more often than not anyway...
3/5 |

Go Rogue,
Go Pro
Page |
What's up, you guys?! So I honestly thought we were
going to write about the new Set 8 cards...my bad! :P
With that in mind, here's what we are reviewing...
Yggdrasil Maiden, Elaine
Power: 5000
Grade 0
Heal Trigger
Clan: Royal Paladin
Race: Elf
(You may only have up to four cards with "HEAL" in a
Nothing against this card, but why review something that
we all would instinctively into our decks? Seriously,
this card is a true definition of a staple card for ANY
clan...well, at least in this case, Royal Paladins, but
whatever! She's a freaking Heal Trigger, and while most
players say the Critical Triggers win games, Heal
Triggers can just as easily make those Critical Triggers
null and void. I really can't say much on this aside
from the fact that unless you want to play YOLO triggers
(Heal-less), you play 4 of these. Period.
Rating: 5/5
Next Time: What SHOULD'VE been in our Grade 1; 7000
power week!
Go Rogue...Go Pro!!!