Master of Fifth Element
Why have we not reviewed it when BT12 was still news,
I'll never know. But here we are. Master of Fifth
Element gives every Dark Irregulars you have 3k during
your turn, as long as your soul is 10 or more, and on
Vanguard circle, if his attack hits the Vanguard, you
CB1 to Soulcharge 3.
This single-handedly make Beezlebub redundant. He's
basically giving every column the capacity to force 5k
more guard EVERY turn by sitting around doing nothing.
And the 10 soul is really easy to set up thanks to cards
like Dimension Creeper, cards like Greedy Hand and Free
Traveler to search Dimension Creeper, and you old school
Soulcharging crowd.
Even more nastily, 10 soul is the magic number
Dantarian needs to wreck with his Break Ride ability, so
the two go together like gin and tonic. Combine the 2
and pair them up with a strong booster like Doreen the
Thruster, and you could go for game with stupidly high
columns (in the anime one guy managed 51k power. And
I've set up higher).
He's definitely buying you 1 guaranteed turn of pain
even by himself though, so I'd go for his build out of
the available DI stuff.