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Sanctuary of Light, Brightness Dragon
Wow, I left this late. But now I got the
chance to use last week to see how
things pan out, we can now move on to
other cards. It's BT14 Box Topper Promo
Week, and starting us off is Sanctuary
of Light, Brightness Dragon.
I can't review the second skill given
it's freaking useless against anything
not Link Joker, so let's look at what
you really want it for. This thing, in
Late Game, lets you Counterblast 2 and
Soulblast 2 to pick three Royal Paladin
rear-guards, and give them 5k until end
of turn.
It's...something? I don't see a lot of
point to this other than within his own
build, with Planetal Dragon. There's a
lot of things that give power to
rear-guards Late Game so I've
desensitized myself regarding their use.
They're not that explosive and the fact
you have to wait only makes it worse.
I don't really like it. Get it for the
collection but there's honestly better
RPs to choose from.
Nanya |
Sanctuary of Light, Brightness Dragon
It's Unlocking week. This week we're looking at cards
that all have the ability to unlock a unit on your
field. Most require a Counter Blast of 1 to do so.
If anything, the cards of this week proves that Locking
is the best mechanic in Vanguard. And, as anyone who's
ever played any card games knows, as soon as a counter
for a mechanic, card or deck is made, whatever it is
designed to counter is automatically useless...
...Except that it never, ever makes the mechanic, card
or deck useless, because, if anything, most of those
counters are completely useless.
Anyway, onto the card itself.
So, what do we have here then? Hmm, CB2 and SB2 to give
3 rear-gaurd units +5000 power until end of turn?
And it's a Royal Paladin? Sounds a lot like Soul Saver
Dragon from set 2. And I do love me some Holy Charging
Roar, that's for sure.
This is a very nice replacement for Soul Saver Dragon
for Royal Paladins, only downside is that it doesn't get
+3000 when attacking, but, hey, at least you don't need
your rear guards filled up before you use the effect,
letting you set up an optimum field for a pressing
attack, plus, you can do it more than once a game,
though it would require some soul charging.
And, remember, Royal Paladins excel at two things:
Searching and powering up.
It's not as good as Majesty Lord Blaster, and Ashlei
Reverse might be a little bit better, but considering
Ashlei only works with Jewel Knights and Brightness
Dragon works with all Royal Paladins, well, I do love
some general support cards.
Sadly, unlike Soul Saver Dragon, this can't work with
Majesty Lord Blaster. Though, why you'd run both in the
same deck, I dunno.
If not for the Lord effect and the fact that Majesty
Lord Blaster exists, this would be a must-have for all
Royal Paladin decks. In fact, if you're running Royal
Paladins and aren't running Lord Blaster or Jewel
Knights, this is a must-have for your deck.
Rating: 4/5