Go Rogue,
Go Pro
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What's up, Rogue Squad?! So for today's Card of the
Day, we're looking at the last holo in the Kagero extra
What's up, Rogue Squad?! So for today's Card of the
Day, we're looking at the last holo in the Kagero extra
Nouvellecritic Dragon
Power: 9000
Grade 2
Clan: Kagero
Race: Flame Dragon
[AUTO]:[Counter Blast(1) & Choose a card named
"Transcendence Dragon, Dragonic Nouvelle Vague" from
your hand, and reveal it] When this unit is placed on
(VC) or (RC), if you have a «Kagero» vanguard, you may
pay the cost. If you do, choose one of your opponent's
rear-guards, and retire it.
...meet the updated version of a Berserk Dragon. Much
like Berserk, Nouvellecritic has the Grade 2/9,000 Power
with a retiring effect though it is done a bit
differently. Instead of Counterblasting 2, you
Counterblast 1 and reveal Dragonic Nouvelle Vague, but
instead of only Grade 2's or lower, you're allowed to
retire anything regardless of Grade! I definitely see
this as an improved Berserk Dragon, but it's just so
unfortunate that it is restricted by the fact that you
have to use it with Nouvelle Vague and can't really use
this card that freely as Berserk Dragon.
Aside from that, this is definitely an excellent card
for Kagero, and if you're playing Nouvelle Vague, then
you should definitely be using this.
Rating: 4/5
Art: 5/5 (The Nouvelle series has some excellent
Next Time: Since when did the Irish have to do with
anything from the German?
Go Rogue...Go Pro!
...and DON'T be a Sackboy!!!

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Nouvellecritic Dragon
Third card of the week is the new support for Vague.
When it appears, reveal a Vague in your hand and
Counterblast 1 to kill anything the opponent has.
The return’s good enough, I suppose, and if it means
that the Vague in your hand isn’t dead, fair dos.
Combine this with Roman and you’ll have a ride on turn 3
to choose from.
Apart from that, not much to say. Running Vague means
taking liberties (I actually only figured out yesterday
WHY I couldn’t get myself to like Vague as much as
goddamn everyone else seemed to) such as less attackers
to call and the wonky ratio, but at least Critic can get
something out of it.
2.5/5 |