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Dragonic Kaiser Crimson -
Date Reviewed:
May 27, 2015
[ACT](VC): Legion22000 "Dragonic Kaiser Vermillion" (If your opponent's vanguard is grade 3 or greater, this unit may return four cards from your drop zone into your deck once, search your deck for the specified card, and Legion)
[ACT](VC)[1/Turn] Limit Break 4 (This ability is active if you have four or more damage):Choose one of your Legion Mate's [ACT], until end of turn, that ability loses its cost until the next time it is played. (If an [ACT] has no cost, the cost is paid when declaring that you are playing it)
[ACT](VC):[Soul Blast (1)] If you have another unit in your middle column, this unit gets [Power]+2000 until end of turn.
Rating: 3.50
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R |
Dragonic Kaiser Crimson
The cheap(?) option for Narukami is the second card of
the week. Dragonic Kaiser Crimson Legions with Dragonic
Kaiser Vermillion, and as a reward, activating
Vermillion's Limit Break becomes Counterblast free once
per turn (so no spamming free 2k power-ups for you).
Normal skill is to Soulblast 1 to gain 2k. So it sets
Legion up fast, at least.
So obviously in order to prevent it from being basically
a restrictive Brawlers, it has to be accompanied by
Eradicator, Egg-Helm Dracokid. So assuming that's what
happens, what's it like? Well, A free +2 every turn in
the form of blowing up 2 front row isn't a bad strategy
by any stretch, but I wouldn't really call this a
decisive finisher in its own right. Brawlers are
supported better despite being technically a bit more
There's also one decisive reason to prefer Brawlers over
Dragonic Kaiser. Big Bang Knuckle Dragon as a fail-con
isn't horrible (and come Fighter's Collection 2015 it
will sting even less), whereas riding Vermillion first
will almost always suck. Even LB removers don't help
especially because he requires so much damage to CB it
doesn't really matter. Luckily we can compensate by only
running like 2 Vermillion for Legion purposes and run
something else, but this REALLY isn't going to provide
an ideal fallback in the way riding Dragonic Overlord
the End first does.
I guess if you still HAVE Vermillion, sure why not, but
I wouldn't trust it to fight the top most aggressive
decks of the format because it's a tad slow.
3/5 |

Nanya |
Dragonic Kaiser Crimson
Wow, Bushiroad actually remembered Vermilion?
That's a shock. So is this ability (ZING!), when
in Legion, do Vermilion, or should it be Crimson, hmm,
Thunderbolt for free, every turn.
So, Vermilion's old Partner apparently found Vermilion
before he drank the Blood the Overlord and pulled him
from that time, much like how the X found The End and
pulled him from the past, I think. I'm not sure,
the lore wasn't completely clear.
Anyway, it's pretty awesome, if you have the Limit Break
enabler, go hog wild even at 1 damage.
And since you don't need to rely on Persona Blasts, you
can run a fall-back grade three, like Vanquisher, in
case you don't get Crimson.
On the plus side, since Vermilion no longer needs
Counter Blasts to do anything, you can use all of them
for Deathscythe or the GBCBX and never worry about
fighting for resources.
That's awesome.
Not as good as the Big Bang Knuckle legions, but still
very good.
Rating: 4/5