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Prime Beauty, Amaruda
Reviewed: Sept.
11, 2017
[AUTO]:Revelation-(VC/RC) (When this unit is placed on the specified circle, look at the top card of your deck, and you may put that card into your soul. If you do, [Rest] one of your [Stand] rear-guards)
[CONT](VC):You may pay "Soul Blast (3)-cards with the revelation ability" as the cost for Stride.
[AUTO](VC):[Counter Blast (1)] When your G unit Stride, you may pay the cost. If you do, Soul Charge (2). If a card with the revelation ability was Soul Charge by this effect, draw a card, choose up to two of your units, and they get [Power]+4000 until end of turn.
Rating: 3.0
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 - Horrible 3 - Average. 5 - Awesome
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Prime Beauty, Amaruda
Hi ho, y'all. Back again to review easily the most
shafted clan this booster: Genesis. So let's look at the
new ace that Bushi's trying to push.
I gotta be frank, Amaruda doesn't have too much going
for her. First skill's pretty neat in case your hand
sucks, but forcing deck choices for consistency sort of
bites. As for the Stride skill, it's nice, but she's no
Fenrir. In fact, Fenrir all-round pretty much beats
this. The Superior Call compared to a random +1 has a
bit more uses practically, and the soulcharge is free,
so you'd only really want her for columns: to grant 4k
to make two 17k+ columns hit more, or shove 8k power
onto one column. But the biggest thing holding her back
is the lack of means to search her. Luard had Abyssal
Owl, but Amaruda has no equivalent card to make her
reliable, and any deck centering around Amaruda failing
to ride her is going to have a bad time.
She's not awful, but on the basis the better
Revelation cards like Gelgja and Gjoll around support
Fenrir better and indeed, require a Fenrir Vanguard, she
works better as a backup to him rather than the other
way around. Tech 2 if you run Wiseman or just use her as
the backup G3 if not.

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Genesis week! And what better way to kick it off than
with a new Grade 3 to look at?
Amaruda takes Revelation to a new extreme, rewarding
you for filling your deck with Revelation units. Not
only does her stride skill trigger off of it, she can
even stride for free for soulblasting 3 revelation units
(why can't every clan have more free stride utility,
huh?). The payoff for the stride skill is...
kinda weak compared to Fenrir, though. Fenrir at least
gives 3 soul for free, and allows the option to pay for
a call. here, you have to pay, and only get 2
soulcharged. The buff is nice, but the free soul was the
big selling point on Fenrir. I'm guessing they just
assume you'll soulcharge anything that isn't a trigger,
but even then you aren't guaranteed a lot of soul.
She's good, but Fenrir should still be alongside her