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Saikyo Cardfighter R
on Cardfight!! Vanguard
Deck Critic Corner:
Alright you pushy fuckers, Love Sniper Nociel is actually
pretty good.
After at least one angry email mentioning how I severely
undersold Love Sniper Nociel when I first reviewed it, I
decided that as an act of penance I should at least watch
how it plays first before I decide. Well I’m sorry, but
after the hybrid Diablo deck and Altmile Thing Saver, can I
not be forgiven for thinking that an overhyped deck can be
reasonably judged to not blow goats but not be worth
warranting building a little shrine and making burnt
offerings to the Nurses of Cray?
To be fair I actually watched the first two in action,
Diablo.failure especially, but hadn’t actually used or gone
up against Nociel.spam (blame my real life and my retarded
local scene), and after I learned that with such a borked
shuffling on cheap sims, the best way to compensate is to
basically just click the shuffle button only once to stop it
sorting the more you shuffle and you’re golden, I finally
reinstalled it and set to work. And thanks a lot by the way,
now I have to keep the fucking thing just in case it turns
out that weird-ass Blaster Thing hybrid turns out to not be
shit as well. You pricks.
After stealing a list I found online I promptly set to work.
I did however make a few changes based on my own
deck-building rules for the sake of consistency if nothing
else, for example, I used 4 Gavrail as the fail-con G3 (the
list I found ran 2 Crimson Roar Metatron but that made no
fucking sense to me as GB1 was the whole point of the deck,
might as well compliment it as best I could). Before
starting another thing I was sort of iffy about was the fact
it ran 8 Stand Triggers. I knew why, as you needed a good
number of Nociels for the sake of consistency and Refros was
nuts, but I wasn’t entirely happy with the idea of low
damage output in the event of failure. The fact that I had
the capacity for columns and thus could make it even out was
comforting I suppose. But I’m not here to make a consistent
deck necessarily, I’m just here to find out what the hell
the hype’s all about, so I charged in, figurative guns
blazing to find randoms who weren’t possessing the same IQ
as an aubergine.
First thing I noticed as soon as I had one or two games was
that Nurse of Broken Heart is frankly bullshit. I am not
shitting you here: one guard with Battle Cupid and G3 Nociel
and I had an extra 4k to both units. “Oh, that’s a nice 18k
column you have there. It would be a shame if I suddenly
made my Vanguard 20k with guard, but I can’t. Aha, PSYCHE
MOTHERFUCKER!” That’s not even counting getting Nociels to
damage through regular damage check. And what made it all
worse was that in between being able to grab spare Broken
Hearts from damage swapping and Azrael if I needed it,
Broken Heart actually wasn’t all that precious in the long
run. Most games I just let her happily die if she got
attacked and replaced her with Million Ray Pegasus to start
the damage swapping shenanigans all over again during MY
I was advised on the forum I stole the list from that one
Stride was basically all you needed and after that you just
sort of sat on Nociel for a bit. I can understand why now:
in between Nociel spam you are going to go through quite a
lot of deck, so unless you play an opponent who’s greedy on
calling from the deck you don’t especially need to convert
your spare Grade 3s and Stride fodder into better guard
quality when swapping damage for high shield cards and
Perfect Guards has that pretty much licked already.
Otherwise you sort of deck out. Not that I didn’t Stride
twice, several games I’ve needed at least one Raphael to
gain the soft advantage needed to live, especially against
decks that dealt in big columns themselves.
I read that this is a popular choice in Japan, which wasn’t
ever an indicator of quality to me, but if this became the
only Angel Feather deck that mattered, I’d be inclined to be
secretly pleased. I don’t like G Angel Feather, especially
not in a competitive environment. In between Raphael and
other damage manipulating cards, it doesn’t even need to
win, it just needs to not lose and simply let the timer do
all the rest. It’s a deck that can easily take the scumbag
root of simply just stalling the opponent to death unless
you have the perfect anti-Christ to it, like Kagero, which
can kill key pieces without needing to attack them. Sadly,
in the event you must ride the backup Gavrail you can easily
do that, just keep in mind the lack of Crits compared to
serious Gavrail decks, but at least if Nociel has to be sat
on, you can at least be reassured the deck won’t try and
take the cheap route, even if the turns take fucking
forever. Long turns on top of healing constantly is just a
dick move, frankly.
So after a grand total of one singular day playing online
and giving the middle finger to the as-of-yet unreleased
Cardfight Online sim, how did I find the deck? Okay, I’ll
admit it. It’s actually quite good. So far the only deck I
actually struggled with was stuff that controlled my field,
Link Joker especially. Against decks that ate rear-guards I
didn’t mind AS MUCH since Nociel could grab the advantage
back, but sealing attacks AND Nurse of Broken Heart
repeatedly was pretty annoying. You also need to keep in
mind I was still playing randoms, and quite a lot of the
decklists I was fighting made kind of retarded choices and
plays. But in the end I had fun with it and managed to win
enough times to not frustrate myself playtesting that it
gets a passing grade in my book.
I guess all that’s left is for me to post the list that gave
me the best results, for all you people who want to be shot
through the heart! And you are to blame:
x1 Black Candle, Azrael
x4 Doctoroid, Refros
x4 Happy Bell, Nociel
x4 Critical Hit Angel
x4 Sunny Smile Angel
x4 Black Record, Israfil
x3 Battle Cupid, Nociel
x3 Black Call, Nakir
x4 Thousand Ray Pegasus
x4 Million Ray Pegasus
x4 Nurse of Broken Heart
x3 Love Machine Gun, Nociel
x4 Love Sniper, Nociel
x4 Black Shiva, Gavrail
x4 Holy Seraph, Raphael
x2 Holy Seraph, Nociel
x1 Holy Seraph, Raziel
x1 Snow Element, Blizza
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