Ng's - Card of the Week (CoTW)
Pokemon CotW 17
Name: Kangaskhan
Type: Basic Pokemon
Card #: card 5 of 64
Rarity: Rare - Holo
Color: Colorless
HP: 90 HP
Weakness: F
Resistance: P -30
Retreat: 3
Pokemon #: 115
Species: Parent
Level: 40
Attack: [1] Fetch
Draw a card.
Attack: [4] Comet Punch
Flip 4 coins. This attack does 20 damage times the number of
Kangaskhan live in a very parent/kid culture. Kangaskhan will
do whatever it takes to protect their young. Pokemon Poaching
have kept their numbers small, and the few herds that remain are
under strict protection in the Safari Zone. A human kid,
Tommy, that was accidentally abandoned by their parents in the
Safari Zone was also taken care of by a herd of Kangaskhan.
90 HP, and Fetch? Man oh man. Too bad it's weak to
fighting. If you're in a pinch, this is the Pokemon to use.
Just grab cards until you get what you need. Then just sac it
(let it get KO'd.) Hopefully you'll have a very full bench.
That's usually the strategy, but you can leave it on the bench
until you get 4 Energy onto it, too. Comet Punch is one mean
The thing is though you'll need 4 Energy before you can start
dishing. Even a Staryu would have nearly killed it, a
Charmander too (assuming Embers)... or it'll be quite damaged,
anyway. Four turns with no damaging attack does suck, even
though you'll probably be drawing stuff out.
-Easy to lay out and can take a beating
-Can potentially deal 80 damage
-3 Retreat (that's nasty)
-the four turn lag time where you won't deal any damage at all means
you usually put the Energy on the Bench.
-It doesn't need combos. (No, seriously, I can't think of any
Rating: 8.0
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