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Ng's - Card of the Week (CoTW)
CotW 18
Slowpoke/Slowbro (First Fossil Pokemon! Well okay I included Magmar
L31 but...)
The Ultimate Potion
Name: Slowpoke
Type: Basic Pokemon
Card #: card 55 of 62
Rarity: Common
Color: Psychic
HP: 50 HP
Weakness: P
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1
Pokemon #: 79
Species: Dopey
Level: 18
Attack: [1] Spacing Out
Flip a coin. If heads, remove a damage counter from Slowpoke.
This attack can’t be used if Slowpoke has no damage counters on it.
Attack: [PP] Scavenge
Discard 1 P Energy card attached to Slowpoke in order to use this
attack. Put a Trainer card from your discard pile into your hand.
Name: Slowbro
Type: Stage 1 -- from Slowpoke
Card #: card 43 of 62
Rarity: Uncommon
Color: Psychic
HP: 60 HP
Weakness: P
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1
Pokemon #: 80
Species: Hermitcrab
Level: 26
Power: "Strange Behavior"
As often as you like during your turn (before your attack), you may
move 1 damage counter from 1 of your Pokemon to Slowbro as long as
you don’t Knock Out Slowbro. This power can’t be
used if Slowbro
is Asleep, Confused, or Paralyzed.
Attack: [PP] Psyshock (20)
Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokemon is now Paralyzed.
Not very many Slowpokes in the cartoon. There was that cool one
near the Theme Park (and it evolved), but other than that, just
cameos. Slowbro is quite elusive in Snap, as well. It was quite common
in the Gameboy Game, however. Both Red and Blue had them.
The way Slowpoke evolves is strange, too. It has to dip its tail
into the water and hope that a Shellder would latch onto it. Shellders
like eating Slowpokes’ tails, though...
Slowpoke is the only real recursion this game has right now. There
are the Trainer cards like Recycle, Item Finder, and Revive, but they
trade cards 1 for 1, and are oneshot. Slowpoke can potentially get a
lot of cards out of the pile. However, it doesn’t have _any_
attacks! And you have to discard a P every time you want to get a
Trainer Card out of the pile.
Slowbro is the coolest Potion you’ve seen. That’s what you’ll
use it for most of the time. Can absorb 5 damage, better than Super
Potion! The catch is that Slowbro has to stay on the bench, and
attacks like Spark, Giga Spark, and Dark Mind can get to it.
- Cheap (Common/Uncommon)
- Not that hard to get out
- One of the few recursion elements in the game Weaknesses:
Scavenge is fragile
- SlowbroPotion is vulnerable to Bench Attackers and Gust Combos:
Slowbro + Mr. Fuji/Scoop Up - bye bye 5 damage - though if you use
Scoop, you’ll lose the ‘bro. Remember Mr. Fuji only works on
Benched Pokemon
- Slowpoke + Card Drawing (Bill, Oak, Gambler, etc.) - Draw again
and again (as long as you have Ps)!
7.0/7.5 - I still think Scavenge is very fragile.
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