Ng's - Card of the Week (CoTW)
The Special Edition CotW... as picked by you...
Pokemon "The First Movie" Trading Cards! (3 of 4)
Name: Mewtwo
Type: Basic Pokemon
Rarity: Promotional
Type: Psychic
HP: 70 HP
Weakness: P
Resistance: none
Retreat: 2
Pokemon #: 150
Species: Psychic
Level: 60
Attack: [P] Energy Absorption ()
Choose up to 2 energy cards from your discard pile and attach them
to Mewtwo.
Attack: [1PP] Psyburn (40)
Mmmmmm... Psychics. (Ask me how I feel about Psychics sometime.)
Mewtwo was a genetic engineered Pokemon created by the scientists
in the Cinnabar Lab, from Mew. (How they caught Mew was beyond me.)
They made it powerful, but they didn’t even think of trying to
control it. It broke away from the lab, and harbours a deep hatred for
any and all humans who manipulate Pokemon to their advantage (um, that
probably means all of them.).
Giovanni had him at one time, but it escaped his clutches as well.
A nice one, this is. Its only attack is a 40 damage attack. Nails
Bulbasaurs, Squirtles and can still do 10 damage to Jigglypuff
(consolation, but when you’re desperate...)
Yes, it does take 1PP to power up, but the other attack, Energy
Absorption, allows you to get that energy from just 1 P! Of course,
you’ll need to use up a turn to do it, but it’s an efficient
process, especially when you’re trying to save energy. If you can
find a way to shift energies attached to a Pokemon, you’re all set.
- Fast to set up in midgame to endgame.
- Does decent damage. 40 damage can do a lot.
- It sucks when you have 2 Energies, 1 Mewtwo and it’s the
beginning of the game...
- Only does 10 against resistance, and the retreat cost is high.
(Energy Absorption, I guess)
- Mewtwo + P + 2 Ps in discard pile - instant attack
opportunities! (well, two turns)
- Mewtwo, retreat + Mr. Fuji - well, after you get 10+ Energies
you can put them back in with Mr. Fuji so that you can never run
out of cards :-)
8.0 (Better than basic Mewtwo...)
The Special Edition CotW... as picked by you...
Pokemon "The First Movie" Trading Cards! (4 of 4)
It’s Puff... er, Dragonite...
Name: Dragonite
Type: Stage 2 - from Dragonair
Rarity: Promotional
Type: Normal
HP: 100 HP
Weakness: none
Resistance: F -30
Retreat: 2
Pokemon #: 149
Species: Dragon
Level: 60
Power: Special Delivery
Once during your turn (before you attack), you may draw
a card. If you do choose a card from your hand and put
it on the top of your deck. This power cannot be used
if Dragonite is Asleep, Confused, or Paralyzed.
Attack: [3] Supersonic Flight (60)
Flip a coin. If tails, this attack does nothing.
The Japanese version of this card was a promotion in 1998, when the
Pikachu plane from All Nippon Airlines was just starting to take off
(no pun intended).
Dratinis are hard to find; Dragonites even harder. Bill was
observing one by the time Ash and his friends came to his doorstep.
Team Rocket scared it off. (Awwwww....)
I don’t like Stage 2s very much (few exceptions being Blastoise
and Gengar) and so this being a Stage 2 isn’t too much. Let’s take
a look:
100 HP, Fighting Resistance. So far so good, but this being a Stage
2, it’s not that impressive. The previous Stages (Base Set Dratini
and Dragonair) are good enough that it may be worth putting in as
filler or as extra punch, though.
The power is worth noting, since you can draw a card then put it
back on top of your deck. This isn’t bad, since you probably have 1
card you could throw away, you can into an extra card, something that
might be crucial, if it were that Electabuzz or Pluspower you were
looking for. It would be even better if you had something that
shuffled your deck, though. (Team Rocket Mankey would be... oops.)
The main attack, Supersonic Flight, has the same average damage
potential as Dragonair’s Slam, so I wouldn’t consider it an
improvement. However, it deals them damage all at once. Hope you throw
heads all the time :-) Well, it KOs Promo Electabuzzes, and almost any
Basic with an Evolution. Oh yeah, and it can KO Blastoise with two
hits (but then it can KO yours with just the same amount of time :-)
Well, it’s a Pokemon and it’s strong. Don’t expect it to
perform miracles for you, though. Worth sticking into your deck if you
have the space.
- Does lots of damage
- Can draw you critical cards.
- Supported by Dratini and Dragonair.
- Stage 2. That alone is nasty enough, thank you.
- Dragonite + Pokedex - Special Delivery time! Two bad cards for
two better ones :-) (of course you have to use your Pokedex...)
- Dragonite + things that shuffle your deck, like Mr. Fuji or
Computer Search - More Special Deliveries delivered right to your
7.0 (Sheesh, it’s a Stage 2! Gimme a break!)
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