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Ng's - Card of the Week (CoTW)
Pokemon CotW 21
Mr. Mime
The Rain Dance Killer :-)
Name: Mr. Mime
Type: Basic Pokemon
Card #: card 6/24 of 64
Rarity: Rare
Color: Psychic
HP: 40 HP
Weakness: P
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1
Pokemon #: 122
Species: Barrier
Level: 28
Power: "Invisible Wall"
Whenever an attack (including your own) does 30 or more
damage to Mr. Mime (after applying Weakness and
Resistance), prevent that damage. (Any other effects of
attacks still happen.) This power can’t be used if Mr.
Mime is Asleep, Confused, or Paralyzed.
Attack: [1P] Meditate (10+)
Does 10 damage plus 10 more damage for each damage counter
On the Defending Pokemon.
- Mr. Mime is an elusive beast. The ever-cool Mimer slaps anybody
that tries to interfere with its miming. Looks like a circus
clown, so it can be employed as such. It was funny seeing Ash in a
Mime suit, however.
Easy - Hope your opponent has a Pokemon that can deal too much
damage :-)
Seriously, A Mime can be used to buy time until you can load up
your big hitters. If your opponent can deal 20 damage, watch out! Two
rounds is enough to kill the Mime.
A Mime is slow to start. First turn it can’t do anything, second
turn it can only deal 10 damage. Then 20, then 40... ooooh. It becomes
really good. My opinion is that Mimes are used as support, since they
take such a long time to hurt Pokemon on their own. So pack low
retreat Pokemon in your decks. They’re also used as general defence
and annoyance :-) (Anybody who has tackled one with a Charmeleon or a
Kangaskhan should know.)
You have to watch out for stuff like Sleep and
Confusion, which is sorta starting to get used. It eliminates all the
protection Mr. Mime has.
- Has a lot of damage potential.
- Also has a lot of defence potential.
- 20 damage attacks.
- Confusion and sleep. Very bad things.
- Resistance.
- Mr. Mime + Gengar - Do more damage!
- Mr. Mime + Pluspower - Do more damage the next turn!
- Mr. Mime + Energy Retrieval - Not a combo, but somewhat good
considering the amount of retreating you’re going to do...
Ratings:8.5 (Rarely ever works by itself... I hate the "Mime
only" openings.)
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