Ng's - Card of the Week (CoTW)
Pokemon CotW 23
Dragons Dragons Dragons:
Dratini/Dragonair/Dragonite L45
Name: Dratini
Type: Basic Pokemon
Rarity: Uncommon
Type: Normal
HP: 40 HP
Weakness: none
Resistance: P -30
Retreat: 1
Pokemon #: 147
Species: Dragon
Level: 10
Attack: [1] Pound (10)
Name: Dragonair
Type: Stage 1 - Evolves from Dratini
Rarity: Rare (nonholographic)
Type: Normal
HP: 80 HP
Weakness: none
Resistance: P -30
Retreat: 2
Pokemon #: 148
Species: Dragon
Level: 33
Attack: [3] Slam (30x)
Flip 2 coins. This attack does 30 times number of heads.
Attack: [4] Hyper Beam (20)
If defender has energy cards attached, choose 1 anddiscard.
Name: Dragonite
Type: Stage 2 - Evolves from Dragonair
Rarity: Rare
Type: Normal
HP: 100 HP
Weakness: none
Resistance: F -30
Retreat: 1
Pokemon #: 149
Species: Dragon
Level: 45
Power: "Step In"
Once during your turn (before you attack) if Dragonite is on your
Bench, you may switch it with your Active Pokemon.
Attack: [4] Slam (40x)
Flip 2 coins. This attack does 40 damage times the number of heads.
Dratinis used to live in the Safari Zone, but they got hunted to
near extinction. So rare that Giovanni wants to get his hands on one.
Few Dratinis survive to become Dragonairs. Dragonairs are really good
at manipulating their surroundings.
Dragonites are an evolved form of Dragonairs. They grow hands,
feet, wings and a lot more weight :-) The attacks aren't all that
different, except for the fact that Dragonite can't use a long slender
body to wrap anybody with :-)
Yes, I realize Dratini only has 40 HP. But very few low damage
attacks actually deal 40 damage, so it's still okay in the early
stages. I'd rather have a Team Rocket Dratini, though. (Don't ask
why.) It's attack doesn't do very much damage (and no weaknesses to
get the damage up.) No frill 10 damage attacks aren't very perky.
Dragonairs, though, are very good. Not only do they have 80 HP,
they can do up to 60 damage in one shot (without resistance like
Lightning and Psychic do), and can remove Energy using Hyper Beam. All
this and it has no weakness and resistant to Psychic! So you just play
your Dragonairs, and pound or drain away. Not bad.
Dragonites are Stage 2s, however, Dragonairs can hold well enough
on their own that even if a Dragonite never comes up, it's still okay.
There's not too much to this Pokemon besides the Slam attack and a
mediocre power. Step In allows you switch back and forth, but the only
useful thing this does is get rid of ailments and other effects on
your Pokemon, and then you'll have to spend 1 Energy (Dodrio helps) to
get the other Pokemon back. Somewhat useful, but to waste 1 Evolution
and an attack slot...
You may or may not want to put Dragonites in the deck. It's very
flexible this way.
- No weakness!!! And resistance on top!
- Powerhouse attacks for Dragonair and Dragonite
- Somewhat useful Pokemon Power for Dragonite, can get rid of
nasty effects
- Dragonair can remove Energy, disrupting the opponent.
- Thunder Punch has the potential of downing it in one shot (well,
then again it has potential of downing a lot of things in one
- Dratini is weak, only a 10 damage no frill attack, and even then
there are no weaknesses to beef it up
- Dragonair and Dragonite needs lots of Energy to deal damage.
- Dragonite + Dodrio - Step In and Out!
Dratini - 6.0
Dragonair - 8.0
Dragonite - 7.5
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