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Ng's - Card of the Week (CoTW)
Pokemon CotW 28
Eevee, Dark Flareon, Dark Jolteon, Dark Vaporeon.
Name: Dark Flareon
Type: Stage 1 -- from Eevee
Card #: card 35 of 82
Rarity: Uncommon
Color: Fire
HP: 50 HP
Weakness: W
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1
Pokemon #: 136
Species: Flame
Level: 23
Attack: [1] Rage (10+)
Does 10 damage plus 10 more damage for each damage counter on Dark
Attack: [RR] Playing with Fire (30+)
Use this attack only if there are any R Energy cards attached to Dark Flareon. Flip a coin. If heads, discard 1 of those Energy cards and this attack does 30 damage plus 20 more damage. If tails, this attack does 30 damage.
Name: Dark Jolteon
Type: Stage 1 -- from Eevee
Card #: card 38 of 82
Rarity: Uncommon
Color: Lightning
HP: 50 HP
Weakness: F
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1
Pokemon #: 135
Species: Lightning
Level: 23
Attack: [L] Lightning Flash (20)
If the Defending Pokemon tries to attack during your opponent's
next turn, your opponent flips a coin. If tails, that attack does
Attack: [1LL] Thunder Attack (30)
Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokemon is now Paralyzed.
If tails, Dark Jolteon does 10 damage to itself.
Name: Dark Vaporeon
Type: Stage 1 -- from Eevee
Card #: card 45 of 82
Rarity: Uncommon
Color: Water
HP: 60 HP
Weakness: L
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1
Pokemon #: 134
Species: Bubble Jet
Level: 28
Attack: [3] Bite (30)
Attack: [1WW] Whirlpool (20)
If the Defending Pokemon has any Energy cards attached to it,
choose 1 of them and discard it.
Name: Eevee
Type: Basic Pokemon
Card #: card 55 of 82
Rarity: Common
Color: Colorless
HP: 40 HP
Weakness: F
Resistance: P -30
Retreat: 1
Pokemon #: 133
Species: Evolution
Level: 9
Attack: [1] Tackle (10)
Attack: [2] Psyshock (10)
If the Defending Pokemon tries to attack during your opponent's next turn, your opponent flips a coin. If tails, that attack does nothing.
Being one of the few Pokemon that can evolve into more than one, Eevee is a collector's item. Naturally, Team Rocket wants it.
Having stolen a few Eevees, they evolved them and bent them to their will. They sacrifice endurance for power as they train them quickly and painfully. As a result, they are quite powerful - if they survive the initial attack.
One thing you notice about all Dark Evolutions is that their HP is extremely low. This is the case with the Eeveelutions as well. (Which means I really wanted them to keep Eevee and its evolutions for Basic set 2. Much more durable.)
Eevee by itself is unremarkable. "Sand-Attack" (I wonder why Psyshock is up there.) stalls for time by making the opponent's attacks fail, but in my opinion Eevee still falls down quite easily, due to less HP. Besides, the other Eevee has Tail Wag anyway.
Rage would be a good attack for Dark Flareon except most of the time it would have to be hurt bad to deal as much as Playing with Fire. And then it would get knocked down by the next Pokemon in the lineup. Rage is for high HP Pokemon, IMHO. Then there's Playing with Fire, which is cheap and deals good damage. It's not too bad.
Thunder Flash for Dark Jolteon is great! 20 damage for just L, and 30 damage and Paralyze for 1LL. It's definitely quick and powerful. But there's another alternative: Team Rocket's Zapdos (Gym Expansion 2).
Dark Vaporeon is quite bland for a Water Pokemon. But at least it has Whirlpool, which can take away Energy. Kinda nice when they have a Energy-intensive Pokemon.
Just don't put all three in your deck at once, okay? :-)
Rainbow Energy + Eevee - Can't decide what to evolve Eevee into? Even more of a benefit with Dark Flareon since you get more damage off Rage!
Eevee - 6.0
Dark Jolteon - 6.75
Dark Vaporeon - 6.75
Dark Flareon - 6.5
Until next time...
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