Top o’ the World Player Profile
Name: Steve
Rank: #7 (as of 05/19/2000)
City/State: Milton, Ontario CANADA
Age: 18
Comic Express
Milton Ontario CANADA
[POJO] What do you like best about the PokeMon
[SG] I like the simplicity of the game how it is easy to
learn and fun to play, yet it still requires thinking to make a good
[POJO] What do you dislike about the PokeMon TCG?
[SG] The only thing I dislike about pokemon is the fact
that some players
think I’m too old to play and what not, but in my store we have a
age range from about 6 - 40
[POJO] Do you find casual play or organized
competition to be more fun? Why?
[SG] I find competitive play more exciting because its
kind of a do or die situation and I normally handle those better than
my opponents because they are intimidated by my rank, I try to tell
them I’m just here for fun and to let it go though so it will be a
better game
[POJO] Where do you usually play?
[SG] Comic Express, Milton Ontario CANADA
[POJO] How often do you participate in
organized tournaments?
[SG] I normally get to play once or twice a week
[POJO] What was you most thrilling victory?
[SG] I would have to say my most thrilling victory was
over Eric Cooke the
first time I beat him because he was ranked #1 in Canada at the time
and I used that to overcome any intimidation I would feel from then on
[POJO] What was your most crushing defeat?
[SG] I cant really recall ever having a defeat too
crushing, if they won they deserved it
[POJO] Who is your toughest competition?
[SG] I would have to say a couple of my toughest
competitors are Sam MacLean and Eric Cooke, because they are top
players and they know how I play my decks.
[POJO] What is your favorite card?
[SG] I would have to say one of my favorite Pokemon is
Electabuzz because it has 2 really strong attacks and my favorite
trainer is Professor Oak because it lets me replenish my hand
[POJO] What kind of deck to you dread having to play against?
[SG] I dont really have any decks I dread playing against
other than a deck that my current deck is weak to
[POJO] What does it mean to you to be ranked as
one of the best PokeMon TCG players in the world?
[SG] It really caught me off guard
when I saw I was #7 in the world after only 4 weks of playing, I’ve
only been around playing pokemon for a couple months now so i take
being a top player with pride
[POJO] Do you play the PokeMon video game?
[SG] I have played the pokemon gameboy games but I
finished them easily and moved on to the actual cards
[POJO] Do you watch
the PokeMon Animated Series?
[SG] I have seen all the episodes released in my area
[POJO] Do you have a collection of PokeMon toys?
[SG] I do not collect pokemon toys but I have gotten some
for my sisters
[POJO] Is there anything else you’d like to
[SG] I just want all who read this to know it is not
impossible to be a top layer, just train hard and think about what you
are going to play against in your environment, and make a deck that
would do well there. If anyone wants they can email me ..
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