Top o’ the World Player Profile
Alex Brosseau
#67 (as of 06/26/2000)
New Lenox IL
Brain Snacks Book Store
What do you like best about the PokeMon TCG? [AB]
Probably the fact that it’s a very fun and easy game to play.
What do you dislike about the PokeMon TCG?
The fact that a lot of matches are decided on coin flips and the fact
that there is
no pro tour or any thing like that.
Do you find casual play or organized competition to be more fun?
Definitly organized play because you get to play for somthing and the
fact that I
play a lot better under pressure.
Where do you usually play?
Brain Snacks, a local book shop.
How often do you participate in organized tournaments?
Every other week even though I really wish it was more often.
What was you most thrilling victory?
Probably vs Dave Bianke (#9 in IL) we both had 1 prize left. He
had an active
Magmar with 30 damage and I had an Electabuzz with 60. I
Thunderpunched getting
heads to win the game and tourney.
What was your most crushing defeat?
Probably vs my friend Jason. We were tied in prizes with 5
seconds left.
Immediatly he gusted out my weak Scyther and Punched. It was a
cheap win but I
would have done the same thing - haha.
Who is your toughest competition? Why?
Defineatly Jason (curently 2nd in Illinois). We are
probably the best people in
Illinois. We both are pretty much equally matched. It
usually comes down to who
gets the Oak first. Even though we are very competitive we are very
good friends.
What is your favorite card? Why?
Probably Oak because in my opinion it would take way too long to win
without this
What kind of deck to you dread having to play against? [AB]
Haymaker. It gets so lucky.
What does it mean to you to be ranked as one of the best PokeMon
TCG players in the
Its really cool. I’ve been playing a long time and I really
want to be #1 in the
Do you play the PokeMon video game?
Not anymore, now I’m only focused on the TCG.
Do you watch the PokeMon Animated Series?
Do you have a collection of PokeMon toys?
Do you have a favorite character card? Favorite
video game character? Favorite
animated series character?
Card-Oak Game-Mewtwo cartoon-psyduck
Anything else you would like to add to this interview?
I just want to say that the Pokemon TCG is really great. I
really hope that Wizards
of the Coast does a pro tour and has some major events in Chicago.
Remember it’s
just a game. Have fun and try hard. Go POKEMON!!!!
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