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Top o’ the World Player Profile
Name Scott Nelson
Ranking 28 (as of 07/10/2000)
City/State Duluth, GA
Age 14
The War Room
[POJO] What do you like best about the PokeMon TCG?
[SN] (no response)
[POJO] What do you dislike about the PokeMon TCG?
[SN] Some of the unclear rules to the cards
[POJO] Do you find casual play or organized competition to be more fun? Why?
[SN] Organized compitition because of the challenge
[POJO] Where do you usually play?
[SN] War Room
[POJO] How often do you participate in organized tournaments?
[SN] Whenever I can, if I can find one
[POJO] What was you most thrilling victory?
[SN] My first undefeated win a tournament
[POJO] What was your most crushing defeat?
[SN] Losing to a Movie Mewtwo, after it knocked out my only Electabuzz and all
my Hitmonchans brutaly.
[POJO] Who is your toughest competition? Why?
[SN] Kirk Gibson, because he is the only one who can beat me when I got a good
[POJO] What is your favorite card? Why?
[SN] Scyther, because it's my favorite pokemon and has no retreat cost
[POJO] What kind of deck to you dread having to play against?
[SN] A Venosaur or "Sponge Deck" (Movie Mewtwo and a lot of trainers with Electabuzz)
[POJO] What does it mean to you to be ranked as one of the best PokeMon TCG players in the world?
[SN] It means a lot and it brought me back to playing more of the game.
[POJO] Do you play the PokeMon video game?
[SN] Yes
[POJO] Do you watch the PokeMon Animated Series?
[SN] Not that often
[POJO] Do you have a collection of PokeMon toys?
[SN] No
[POJO] Do you have a favorite character card?
Favorite video game character? Favorite animated
series character?
[SN] Yes-Scyther; No; Yes -Wufei(Gundam Wing)
[POJO] Anything else you would like to add to this
[SN] No
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