Top o’ the World Player Profile
Jack Savage
# 93 (as of 08/09/2000)
Also the Grand Master Trainer for the 11-14 age group at the West
Coast Super Trainer Showdown held on the Queen Mary in Long Beach CA
on 07/22/2000
Burbank, California
King's Comics
What do you like best about the PokeMon TCG?
Deck construction and tuning. I find it extremely fun testing
a deck, tuning it to perfection, and then seeing something better
come along and having to start over.
What do you dislike about the PokeMon TCG?
The overpowering nature of Wiggly and Haymaker style decks.
There is very little room for other types of decks to do well, as
was shown by the results
of the STS. The entire top eight of both the 11-14 and 15+ were
composed of Haymakers or Wigglys. Obviously, Wizards needs to
do something about this... I honestly don't know what though.
Do you find casual play or organized competition to be more fun?
Organized competition. I'd much rather be playing for
something, even if it's just a promo card or bragging rights.
Having something riding on the game is very big motivator, and
extremely enjoyable for me. Casual play has it's place though,
and I doubt I'd still be playing Pokemon if I couldn't bust out my
Venomoth deck every once in a while :)
Where do you usually play?
Kings Comics
How often do you participate in organized tournaments?
I play DCI tournaments once a week, and play in some form of
organized tournament at least twice a week.
What was you most thrilling victory?
Probably winning the finals of the STS against Kody Barret.
The early game wasn't in my favor, and I only barely got by with
Energy Removals.
What was your most crushing defeat?
Probably a game against Dean Dusi a few months ago. We were
both playing very similar Electabuzz / Hitmonchan / Scyther / Ditto
Haymakers, and it was a very close game. We were both at one prize,
and I lost by decking because I miscounted the number of energies in
my discard pile and played an electric energy on a benched Ditto
instead of saving it for the Electabuzz that was active. I
lost because of a very lame mistake, and it really bugged me.
Who is your toughest competition? Why?
This seems to change every week, right now I'm pretty confident that
no one around here can beat me reliably. And no, I don't mean
I'm the best player
ever, I'm just saying everyone I know I'll have to play in the next
few weeks I can beat.
What is your favorite card? Why?
Tie between Electabuzz, Promo Mewtwo, and Prof. Oak.
Electabuzz is simply the best basic in the game, 2 energies for 40
damage is insane. Mewtwo is fast, heavy hitting, and has real
game ending power. And as for Oak.... come on, who doesn't love 7
extra cards?
What kind of deck to you dread having to play
Probably stall. I can beat it, but it's still annoying knowing
the game could drag out for more than an hour (unless of course
there is a time limit). I also don't like facing any deck with
Wiggly, it's just sooooooo overplayed. Wiggly is a great
pokemon, but it's not like everyone has to play it to win!
What does it mean to you to be ranked as one of the best PokeMon TCG
players in the world?
Not a whole lot, it's neat but it doesn't really apply to any part
of my day to day life.
Do you play the PokeMon video game?
Not much anymore. I am looking forward to Gold and Silver though.
Do you watch the PokeMon Animated Series?
Not anymore, I miss Brock :(
Do you have a collection of PokeMon toys?
Sort of, I own some. I got some of the 2 and 3 packs, and I
have this awesome mew that sits on top of my computer.
Do you have a favorite character card? Favorite video game
character? Favorite animated series character?
Venomoth or Gengar. Not really. Ryoko!!!!!!! Clearly
the best Tenchi girl.
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