Top o’ the World Player Profile
Name: Kane
Ranking: 12
City/State: Roscoe, Illinois
Age: 16
Is Yesterday
Park, Illinois
[POJO] What do you like best about
the PokeMon TCG?
[KK] I play mainly for the DCI, in effort to
get my ranking and rating up, but I enjoy the game a lot too.
[POJO] What do you dislike about the
PokeMon TCG?
[KK] I don’t like how people do not take
PokeMon too seriously, and think that it is only for kids. PokeMon
requires strategy and thinking. I also do not like that there is
not a Professional Tour like there is for Magic for the top players to
participate in.
[POJO] Do you find casual play or
organized competition to be more fun? Why?
[KK] I find competition to be more fun, because
I try hard to get to be as high as my ranking is. I am
hoping to reach the top 10 in the World!
[POJO] Where do you usually play?
[KK] I usually play at Tomorrow is
Yesterday in Loves Park, Illinois. I also play at The Menagerie,
in Cherry Valley, Illinois.
[POJO] How often do you participate
in organized tournaments?
[KK] I usually play one or two tournaments a
week depending on my free time (not working).
[POJO] What was you most thrilling
[KK] My most thrilling victory? Wow,
that is really hard to say. I would have to say playing Anthony
Colletti, #4 in Illinois. It was the final round, each of us had
no loses to that point, and I have no idea what happened from there.
But it was cool.
[POJO] What was your most crushing
[KK] I honestly can not recall a crushing
defeat. If I lose, it is always a good match, and I respect my
opponent for defeating me.
[POJO] Who is your toughest
competition? Why?
[KK] My toughest competition is both
Travis Keller (my brother) who always get second in the tournament,
either losing to me or Anthony Colletti. And also, Anthony
Colletti, who always puts up a good fight and sometimes comes through
with a victory.
[POJO] What is your favorite card?
Why? [KK] I
do not have a favorite card, all the cards that I use compliment one
each other nicely and that is why I have put together a good deck and
seems to work for me.
[POJO] What kind of deck to you
dread having to play against?
[KK] I don’t mind
playing any decks, its fun to play different ones, and if the deck
beats me. Kudos to my opponent.
[POJO] What does it mean to you to
be ranked as one of the best PokeMon TCG players in the world?
[KK] It really is cool, I enjoy having
the opportunity to be so high ranked, I just know that it can’t last
as long as I’d hope it would.
[POJO] Do you play the PokeMon video
[KK] Nope
[POJO] Do you watch the PokeMon
Animated Series?
[KK] Nope
[POJO] Do you have a collection of
PokeMon toys?
[KK] Nope
[POJO] Do you have a favorite
character card? Favorite
video game character? Favorite animated series character?
[KK] My favorite PokeMon card and character is
probably the new Dark evolution of Eevee that came out in the Neo 2
set. I don’t know why, it just intrigues me.
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