of the World
Top o’ the World Player Profile
Top o' the World Player Profile
NAME: Devon Bowling
RANKING: #99 (as of 11/16/1999)
CITY / STATE: Costa Mesa, CA
AGE: 15
LOCATION: Darkstar and The Gathering
[POJO] What do you like best about the PokeMon TCG?
[DB] The simplicity and strategy
[POJO] What do you dislike about the PokeMon TCG?
[DB] The way that the cards often become unbearably overpriced
[POJO] Do you find casual play or organized competition to be more fun? Why?
[DB] I love competition. It's so much fun!! I think that its the best way to get to play against so many different decks in such a short period of time.
[POJO] Where do you usually play?
[DB] A few local Comic Book shops: Darkstar and The Gathering. When tournaments aren't going on, there is still a ton of people to play just for fun.
[POJO] How often do you participate in organized tournaments?
[DB] Once or (sometimes) twice a week.
[POJO] What was you most thrilling victory?
[DB] That would probably be when I won 1st turn against a Scyther. Ponyta, Double Colorless, and 3 Plus Powers.
[POJO] What was your most crushing defeat?
[DB] I was sure I had the game won. He had one card left in his deck and nothing in his hand. I had an active Scyther with no damage and a Scyther in back with 20hp left. He drew his last card and it was a gust! NOOOOOOOOO =)
[POJO] Who is your toughest competition? Why?
[DB] My little brother. I always make his decks for him and it kicks butt.
[POJO] What is your favorite card? Why?
[DB] Scyther. He's definitly the most versatile. With no retreat cost and resistance to fighting, hes definitly the best.
[POJO] What kind of deck to you dread having to play against?
[DB] Haymakers. They're always the same thing.
[POJO] What does it mean to you to be ranked as one of the best Pokemon TCG players in the world?
[DB] It means a lot. I like the respect that comes with it. People fear me =)>
[POJO] Do you play the Pokemon video game?
[DB] No.
[POJO] Do you watch the Pokemon Animated Series?
[DB] Every Saturday!!
[POJO] Do you have a collection of Pokemon toys?
[DB] Nope
[POJO] Do you have a favorite card? Favorite video game character? Favorite animated series character?
[DB] Scyther is my favorite character card. Mew is my favorite game character. Jigglypuff is my favorite series character.
[POJO] Anything else you would like to add to this interview?
[DB] Sure: What is your favorite Pokemon site? Pojo of course.
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