RANKING: #15 (as of 10/29/1999)
CITY / STATE: East Syracuse, NY
AGE: 13
LOCATION: Altered States
[POJO] What do you like best about the PokeMon TCG?
[TC] The competition and large number of participants.
[POJO] What do you dislike about the PokeMon TCG?
[TC] The low number of cards, and how many players are not original.
[POJO] Do you find casual play or organized competition to be more
fun? Why?
[TC] Organized, usually there are like 50-75 poke-holics there to talk
with, trade, etc.
[POJO] Where do you usually play?
[TC] At tourneys once a week, and online.
[POJO] How often do you participate in organized tournaments?
[TC] Once a week
[POJO] What was you most thrilling victory?
[TC] My many games when I start will only Diglett and Energy in hand,
and still pull out the victory.
[POJO] What was your most crushing defeat?
[TC] Any time I lose to Haymaker, Potpourri, etc.
[POJO] Who is your toughest competition? Why?
[TC] Pete Zalizniak (#19) he taught me alot on how powerful commons
and uncommons were, like Diglett, Spearow, Jigglypuff --- oh yeah...he
still has never beat me.
[POJO] What is your favorite card? Why?
[TC] I would normally say Scyther, but then it makes it look like I
play Haymaker, so...I'll go with Diglett, or Jigglypuff...that's a
tough decision
[POJO] What kind of deck to you dread having to play against?
[TC] A REAL deck, but I love to play against Haymaker, Potpourri, etc.
[POJO] What does it mean to you to be ranked as one of the best
Pokemon TCG players in the world?
[TC] Nothing at all, it has nothing to do with how good you are, there
are many people as good, or if not better than me, but they have a low
ranking due to the number of tourneys they have been to.
[POJO] Do you play the Pokemon video game?
[TC] Of course
[POJO] Do you watch the Pokemon Animated Series?
[TC] Yes
[POJO] Do you have a collection of Pokemon toys?
[TC] No...well only Jigglypuff
[POJO] Do you have a favorite card? Favorite video game character?
Favorite animated series character?
[TC] Jigglypuff! Favorite all-around
[POJO] Anything else you would like to add to this interview?
[TC] Just that I hate most Haymakers, and Super Energy Removal, but I
love to play against them