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Top o’ the World Player Profile
Name Alex Fields
Ranking 22 (as of 05/29/2001)
Killeen, Texas
Age 13
1) How did you get into this game?
Well... my younger brother saw the TV show back in 98, and got the red
version game that Christmas. I beat it before he did and started to
watch the show too. In 99, when the card game was still being
introduced, he bought a pack or two and I eventually started to
collect them also. I was a “newbie” for about a year, after going
to Leagues w/ my brother and then playing in DCI sanctioned tourneys.
After about a year i “got good” ;) and became highly ranked.
2) What do you like about it?
I like how its something both kids and adults can be involved w/, and
how its not quite as serious as some of the other popular card
cames(such as Magic.) I think its also nice how there are Leagues, for
you to meet other players and test out new deck ideas before you
actually use it in a tourney. Events like the TMB and the STS make
Pokemon worth playing if you werent just playing for fun to begin w/.
3) What don’t you like about it?
I dislike the people who will make fun of/look down on you for playing
Pokemon, as if its something to be ashamed of. They think its babyish
and for little kids, which of course its just the opposite.I also
dislike how Wizards keep messing w/ the way rares are distributed in
packs, so you have to basically buy a box or 2 per new set just to get
the cards you need.
4) What’s your favorite deck to play?
Well, i used to like playing Wigglytuff back about a year ago when the
environment was much different; it won me my first tournament and many
others after that. Now, w/ Sneasel/Dark Plume/Murkrow/Slowking/Mass
Trainer Disruption running rampant, my decks usually change every few
weeks so its hard to say which i like the best. I prefer to control
the environment rather than join w/ it (instead of playing Dark
Plume/Slowking like everybody else, ill make a deck that has the
ability to counter them.)
5) What do you think is the strongest deck in the current environment?
Hmmmmm.... well, in my environment, Sneasel and Murkow w/ trainer
disabling(Slowking/Dark Plume/Chaos Gym) or trainer disruption(RSA,
Lass, Trap) is most effective. It can be stopped though, heck i do it
every week :D, but i do think they are the most stable/dominant.
6) What deck do you hate to play against?
I dont really hate to play against anything; well, this may sound
strange but i actually dont like playing newbies. Because if somehow,
someway, i get a horrible hand and they KO my Scyther w/
Charmander(yes this has happened before) or something like that, its
not only humiliating but your points go way down(in tournament play.)
if you beat them, unless theyve got a good record so far you proably
wont gain much either.
7) What would your “Top 10 Best Pokémon” list look like?
Okay heres what id say:
# 10. Fossil Magmar
# 9. Rockets Zapdos
# 8. Chansey
# 7. Electabuzz
# 6. Scyther
# 5. Murkrow
# 4. Slowking
# 3. Dark Vileplume
# 2. Sneasel
# 1. Cleffa
8) Top 5 trainers?
# 5. Lass
# 4. Super Energy Removal
# 3. Item Finder
# 2. Comp. Search
# 1. Professor Oak
9) Where do you usually play?
At Limited Edition Sports Cards, Killeen, TX
10) Who is your most difficult competition?
Well, just about everyone in my area is competitive, but the best
players ther(not counting myself :D ) would have to be(in no
particular order) Mark Anders(also in top100, higher than me at the
moment), David Dillow, and Carlos Sais.
11) What do you win at tournaments?
Usually jpacks, anything from base to neo3. Occasionally something
like promo sets, one time i got first and even won Pokemon Gold.
12) What are some of your most thrilling victories?
Everytime i beat David Dillow, Mark Anders, or Carlos Sais, unless it
was a fast game, its pretty thrilling... because they are the toughest
competition and test me every week.
13) And your most devastating losses?
Whenever i lose to a newbie/someone who isnt quite as good as me. Most
of the time(like 99.9%) its because of some HORRIBLE hand. Once i
played this guy w. a messed up Charizard deck, i managed to get a hand
of only energy, Wiggly and Scyther and lost 2nd turn to a
F. Magmar. that had to be the most humiliatign, messed up loss ive
ever had.
14) Did you compete in the TMB, STS, or any other large-scale
tournaments? If you did, how’d ya do? Yea i was at last years Mega
Battle, i watched you play that Japanese kid for first... i didnt do
that well during the second day but thats because it was pretty much
all luck based, the first day when we could use our own decks i won
every time(w/ Wiggly...). In fact i think my mom was talking to your
dad that first day when they all sat in that main room and watched us
play our first game.
15) If you had to ban one card, what would you ban?
If i HAD to, it would be Sneasel. This card is very luck-based, and
hes just too powerful if you can get him up and running w/ a Dark
Plume/Slowking in play and were able to mess up the opponents hand
first turn.
16) What deck do you think is the funnest to play?
Well this is sort of the same question as earlier :D, i still like
Wiggly even though he is a bit hard to play in todays Sprout
Tower/trainer denial environment.
17) What do you think of Wizard’s ideas of No 15+ qualifiers, Prop
15, etc.?
I actually like that a lot, especially w/ Neo. There are so any great
cards in Neo, too many to name.. i wish that they had decided to use
Prop 15 after Neo was released.
18) What does it mean to be ranked as one of the best Pokémon players
in the world?
It doesnt mean that much, everyone that knows makes fun of me for even
playing Pokemon. It did get me to Hawaii however, so i guess it means
19) Do your friends/schoolmates know you play Pokémon? Does it give
ya a good/bad reputation?
Yea most of them know. Sometimes they make fun of me for it, but a lot
of them(in fact just about all of them) used to play Pokemon at one
time so i dont really care.
20) If you could have 100 Smeargles or 100 Japanese Woopers, which
would you rather have? =/
Um, yea, 100 Smearles sounds nice =/
21) Who do you believe is the best Pokémon TCG player in the world?
MEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! j/k well, idont believe that there iS a
“best” player, there are a LOT of great players but theres not
just any one person.
22) Other hobbies:
Some other hobbies include: watching WWF, playing basketball, playing
video games, watching MTV, the Internet.
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