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Top o’ the World Player Profile
Name Devin Peltier-Robson
Ranking 46 (as of 05/29/2001)
Age ??
Devin Peltier Robson Devin Peltier Robson,
46th globally
Ness: How did you get into this game?
I heard about it 5 or 6 months in advance (the Game Boy
game that is), and I loved the concept. Once I heard about
the cards, I got excited and couldn’t wait until I could
get some! Although we had to wait a while for them to
arrive in our area.
Ness: What do you like about it?
Three things. I love making new decks, I love trying
them out, and I love all of the neat combos and
Ness: What don’t you like about it?
I don’t like it that players take it too seriously. It
should be fun! (And Slowking! ^_^)
Ness: What’s your favorite deck to play?
My favorite would have to be my WWF Smackdown (Wild
Wiggle-Fable Smackdown). It has a record of 68-14, and
I’m very proud of it.
Ness: What do you think is the strongest deck in the
current environment?
Sneasel w/ Slowking is vicious, and just plain Sneasel is
tough, but it seems all of the better players use normal
Haymakers (Rocket’s Zapdos and Electabuzz).
Ness: What deck do you hate to play against?
Slowking Locks! With Sneasels! They drive me insane, and
they really aren’t fun to play against.
Ness: What would your “Top 10 Best Pokémon” list look
Well my favorite Pokémon is Marill, but my list would
look like this:
1. Magikarp! (Just kidding... It’s Wigglytuff!)
2. Clefable
3. Cleffa
4. Rocket’s Zapdos
5. Sneasel
6. Slowking
7. Electabuzz
8. Gligar
9. Scyther
10. Chansey
Ness: Top 5 trainers?
1. Energy Removal/Super Energy Removal
2. Professor Oak
3. Computer Search
4. Item Finder
5. Lass!
Ness: Where do you usually play?
Tomorrow is Yesterday is Rockford, IL.
Ness: Who is your most difficult competition?
Probably Rick Ross, because he’s pretty tough, and we
compete in DCI. But Travis Keller is also very tricky to
beat, but he’s fun to play.
Ness: What do you win at tournaments?
The prizes for 1st place are 2 Neo Genesis, 1
Gym Heroes; for 2nd place I think a Gym Heroes
and some Action Flipz and Topps Movie cards; for 3rd
place I think a Gym Heroes and some Topps Movie cards; and
4th place gets 1 Gym Heroes.
Ness: What are some of your most thrilling victories?
It was cool when I beat Kane or Travis Keller, but my most
thrilling victory was when I beat Rick Ross. I nailed him
pretty bad by Metronome-ing his Rocket’s Zapdos’ and
using Wiggly on everything else. I used Metronome for
(knocking out Clefable), and then Did the Wave with
Wiggly. I also kept his Energy really low. It was cool!
Ness: And your most devastating losses?
Well, when I battled Jeff Bernard and his Slowking Lock
deck, he got his Slowkings out, and I had nothing. I
couldn’t get any Energy, and I didn’t get my Oak fast
enough. In non-tourney play, I lost (with my good deck!)
to my mom. She had Nidoran Male, and I had Gligar. And of
course, she got heads...
Ness: Did you compete in the TMB, STS, or any other
large-scale tournaments? If you did, how’d ya do?
Well, I didn’t yet. But I’m gonna try this year!
Ness: If you had to ban one card, what would you ban?
SLOWKING! I love Metronome-ing Rocket’s Zapdos, so I
don’t want it gone, and Sneasel is fun to use, but I
really hate fighting a couple of Slowkings.
Ness: What deck do you think is the funnest to play?
My Common Cold deck. It’s a Grass deck that uses all
Common Cards! All decks should be like that! And it’s
very satisfing beating your opponent with a Metapod or
Ness: What do you think of Wizard’s ideas of No 15+
qualifiers, Prop 15, etc.?
I didn’t like Prop 15. I hate the idea of no 15+
Qualifiers. But I love the new STS format! It’s a great
mental challenge!
Ness: What does it mean to be ranked as one of the best
Pokémon players in the world?
It’s a great feeling. It gives me confidence in myself
knowing that out of 25,000 people, I’m in the top 100!
It makes me feel good, but I don’t brag about it. (oops!
I just did! ^_^)
Ness: Do your friends/schoolmates know you play Pokémon?
Does it give ya a good/bad reputation?
I’m homeschooled, but my friends think it’s cool, but
they don’t worship me. We just hang out like we normally
do. And I have a good reputation, because all of my
friends like Pokémon, and I tend to have all of the best
Ness: If you could have 100 Smeargles or 100 Japanese
Woopers, which would you rather have? =/
Smeargles! I like Smeargle more than Wooper (and Smeargle
is funnier). Although can I take 100 Marills instead? ^_^
Ness: Who do you believe is the best Pokémon TCG player
in the world?
I’d have to say Travis Keller. He’s an awesome player,
and he always seems to be in a pretty good mood, win or
lose. Being satisfied with winning and losing is a good
thing. (Thank goodness I’m like that too!)
Ness: Any non-Poké hobbies?
Nope! My life IS Pokémon! No, I’m just kidding. I like
to play the DBZ TCG, but I don’t go to any Tourneys. I
like to work on my computer, and on my website - Marriland!
[Note: You don’t have to put “(www.marriland.com)”
up if you think it would be advertising, it just IS one of
my hobbies!] I also like playing with my friends, and
playing video games.
Dr. D - The Doctor is in
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