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Pokemon Episode Number 19
ash and co. find a seaside cliff along their journey and their are many
butterfree. brock tells them that the butterfree are finding mates and
buterfree have to cross the sea to have babies. ash and his friends rent a
balloon and ash lets butterfree try to find a mate.
butterfree looks and looks until he sees a pink butterfree that he is
attracted to. he does a courtship dance, but the pink butterfree seems to
ignore him. butterfree begins to cry. ash and misty encourage him to show
off a little bit. brock ties a ribbon around butterfrees
neck and butterfree tries again. the pink butterfree still isn't interested.
suddenly, team rocket comes in with a helicopter and drops down a pole.
at the end of thepole, there is a giant ball. the ball suddenly explodes and
when the smoke clears, a net is in its place. team rocket catches all the
butterfree and flies off to there hide out. ash's butterfree is the only one
that hasn't been captured and it follows team rocket to the secret place
when butterfree returns, it gets ash and friends to follow it. ash and co.
bust into the hide out mock team rocket with their new motto:
prepare for trouble!
make that triple!
to protect the word from devastation!
to unite all peoples within our nation!
suddenly a fight breaks out and starmie whoops up on team rocket while
butterfree frees all of the pokemon. team rocket jumps into their helicopter
and try to steal the pokemon again. ash and his friends jump into the hot
air balloon and are on the chase. pikachu signals butterfree down. "what are
you doin' pikachu?" says ash. but pikachu ignores him and jumps onto
butterfree. they fly away and pikachu jumps onto team rockets helicopter.
"pika-chu" he says in greetings, then he powerfully shocked them.
the story ends dramatically. butterfly says his last good-byes. he is
leaving with his new mate, the pink butterfree. ash and pikachu begin to cry
and ash remembers everything that he had done with butterfree had done
this was a very dramatic episode. It is one of my favorites.
-Harry Mateo (Blastoise_88@hotmail.com)
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