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Hoenn Alone - Episode 274
Hoenn Alone
Ash leaves for the Hoenn regionalone with only Pikachu.T.R
come and capture Pikachu in a case.Ash gives them a
chase.Then James sends a rocket at a pole and rope comes
down and He,Meowth carrying Pikachu,Jesse and Wobbuffet
cling on it and swing.Ash manages to cling on to
Wobbuffet.Then all crash into a wall.Then Jesse and Kames
land on top of a truck and Meowth & Pikachu land on
another.Ash has fallen on the crates.Then,the trucks
start.Then,J&j's truck goes in one direction.Meowth and
Pikachu's truck goes in another direction.J&J are
angry.Then,Off.Jenny arrives and then Ash tells her that t.r
had stole his Pikachu .She makes Ash sit on her
vehicle.Then,sends out her Pidgeot to search the skies for
t.r.Then Pikachu's and Mewoth's truck takes a sharp turn
causing them to to fall down.Then,Pikachu is free from the
case.Meowth blames Pikachu.This angers Pikachu.Then both
wander and suddenly a Haunter comes and then uses some
attacks on Meowth .Meowth uses its claws.But its of no
use.Then Pikachu uses thunderbolt.Affecting Haunter.Then it
goes away.Then several Pidgey's and Raticate's come and tell
something to Meowth and Pikachu.Then afterwards Ash gets
Pikachu who is in a very bad condition.He takes the ferry to
the Hoenn region.So that he can visit the Pokemon Center
this episode is similiar like the one Ash had when he began
his journey Pikachu badly injured and all that.In the
song(now changed from this episoe as its a differrent region
which Ash will visit a different season)The new song has
Brock back and a gorl and a small spectacled boy eho
accompany Ash.
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