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Yu Yu Hakusho
Harry Potter
Vs. System
This episode begins with a girl going along on her bike.Then
a voice comes out telling."Hi i'm May and i'm ten years
old.Im on my way to visit my dads old friend Prof.Birch to
get my first pokemon start my journey as a Pokemon
trainer".Then she sees a scary gliding pokemon and gets
scared and starts pedalling faster.Then crashes into a tree
and says"i could do with a helmet."Then she continues
cycling and adds that she doesnt like Pokemon.And then comes
up near the tip and sees the river where a ferry is going on
its way to the Hoenn region and tells that she loves
travelling.Then in the ferry we have Ash carrying Pikachu
who is sending sparks now and then.Ash tells pikachu that
he'll take it to the nearest pokemon center after the ferry
docks.Meanwhile t.r are also on the ferry (the ferry's going
to Littleroottown).Jesse happens to have been to the town
earlier.As soon as Ash comes out of the ship he asks a
person for the location of the nearest Pokemon Center.The
person tells him that the town doesnt have any.Ash is
worried and gets an idea and then calls Prof.Birch's
lab.Another person however takes the phone and tells Ash
that Prof.Birch had gone out and was conducting some of his
experiments.He tells Ash that he'll contacct Birch and tells
Ash to stay put.Then afterwards,Ash hears a sound of a
jeep.Then a man(Birch) comes out and asks Ash if he's Ash
Ketchum.Ash nods then they hurry in the jeep to the
proffesor's lab.Then on the way he tells Ash that Pikachu
isnt able to send current regularly and thats why it sends
sparks regularly.Then,Pikachu gives a huge spark and starts
to to blindly escape from the blanket in which Ash has
placed it in.Birch tells him that the temperature was
confusing Pikachu and asks Ash if Pikachu was near any
magnets.Ash tells Pikachu was stuck to a magnet.Then,after
another spark.Birch takes the jeep to the lab through the
forest(not the road).Then at the lab,Ash places pikachu and
then,the person who took the phone when ash called places a
machine around Pikachu's pouches.Then Ash asks birch what it
is.Birch tells him that the machine will take all the excess
electricity of Pikahu.Then the whole machine is ful of
electricity in a short while and then explodes and pikachu
runs away.Ash goes after Pikachu.Birch asks Ash if he has
any other pokemon stronger against Pikachu.But ash replies
he doesnt have any.Then,Prof Birch takes three pokeball and
then goes after Ash.The assistant tells him that the
Pokeballs were meant for May.Birch tells him that he should
make May stay at the lab till he arrives.Then he tells Ash
that they should seperate and search Ash agrees he tells Ash
that if anything happens to pikachu it will explode.Then t.r
see all this.Then Ash searches but doesnt find anything.Then
May arrvies.She the assistant tells that Birch had an
emergancy and had gone and tells her to wait at the lab.She
tells him that she'll find Prof. herself.Meanwhile
Prof.Birch is searching Pikachu and slips and falls down on
Poochyena or whatever.He apologizes it.Then hears it howl
and many arrive they growl and then he wonders what emotion
was there in their voie and realizes that it wasnt happy nor
sad but angry.Then the Poochyena chase him and he thinks
he's brilliant for recognizing it.(if he saw their teeth it
was more than enough.)Then he climbs on an tree and clings
on branch.Then May arrives he tells her to send a pokemon
from any of those pokeballs which are near her.Then she
takes a pokeball and out of it comes Mudkip.Birch tells her
to ask it to do an attack.She asks which attack.Prof tells
her to tell Mudkip to use watergun.Then May tells Mudkip
which looks at her to use Watergun.It uses water gun on her
face :-D.Then,the branch on which the prof. is breaks and he
falls down.Then,he the poochyena chase him.Then,he calls
Mudkip while running and then,Mudkip goes to the Prof.he
orders it t o use Water gun and the Poochyena go away.he
calls it back and goes away.Then,Ash Pikachu is exhausted.It
sees Ash's shadow coming near it it becomes very angry and
explodes.May and Prof.see it he tells her that Pikachu
exploded and he runs in that direction May follows in her
bike.Then,ash has fallen after the explosion and gets up and
sees Pikachu using sparks.Prof arrives and tells him to not
go near Pikachu.Then,Pikachu again runs away and theres no
land ahead and it falls ash also jumps down catches it in
one hand and holds a branch in another hand.Then,Prof sends
a rope and Ash does vertical climbing.Pikachu is trying to
escape from Ash and uses sparks and even bites Ash then it
realizes that its biting ash and becomes sad.On reaching the
top,Pikachu then licks Ash's wound where it bit(Ughhh).Ash
tells him that he's alright and that he knew that it didnt
bite him on purpose.Then t.r arrive and then,they grab
pikachu and suck up all its electricity.Then the whole
machine too is full of electricity and explodes.Even Mays
bike got barbecued as she says in Pikachu's shock.Then
Pikachu collapses.Back at the lab prof tells that t.r sucked
all of Pikachu's current and that its electricity levels had
returned to normal.Then May peeps.She accidently makes a
vase drop and catches it the others see her.She apologizes
ash for not introducing her name and then tells him that
she's may and Ash introduces himself.Then Prof Birch asks
her to choose her first Pokemon (Ash is more excited than
her).Then he sends out the first pokemon Treecko.May gets
scared of its glare.Ash asks it whether its water typa Prof
tells him its Grass type.Then the next pokemon is Mudkip.May
says she wont choose it as it didnt obey her.Ash guesses
correctly that its a Water type.Then the next pokemon
happens to be a torchic it likes May and snuggles her.She
decides to choose it.(she mutters that she'd do anything to
trade and it for travelling) Then, he gives her the Pokedex
and 6 pokeballs.then next morning gets angry at seeing her
bike spoilt & decides to have a talk with Ash.Then she sees
Ash besides Pikachu's bed.Ash mutters Pikachu,Pikachu in his
sleep and then and pikachu wakes up and goes near Ash ash
wakes up and is very happy.may closes the door goes out and
sends out her Torchic and greets it.Then Ash comes out and
then Pikachu makes friends with it.Birch tells them that
they'll have to suscribe for the Hoenn League at the Pokemon
Center and the nearest one was pretty far in Oldale town.May
tells that she was nervous of travelling there alone without
her bike and then gets an idea and tells Ash that she'll
accomany him.Ash agrees and then they go.
its just like the first episode Pikachu thunderbolting and
May's bike getting destroyed and all that stuff.may's lucky
her Torchic will evolve into a Blaziken one day.
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