Pokemon Episode Number 12
Episode 12 - Here comes the
Squirtle Squad
Ash is skipping down the path after catching his Charmander.
All of a sudden
Ash and Co. fall into a pit that was set by squirtles. They
climb out of the
pit and Pikachu tries to zap the head Squirtle. Another one
jumps in front
and faints. The head of the Squirtle Squad and Pikachu growl
at each other,
like in a Western movie. Sirens are heard in the distance and
all the
Squirtles run off. Officer Jenny pulls up and explains that
the Squirtle
squad is a pokemon gang that terrorizes the town. Ash feels
bad for all the
squirtles and wants to catch one. Meanwhile, the squirtles
catch Team
Rocket, but Meowth convinces them that they would be well rewarded
if they
helped to catch Pikachu. Eventually the Squirtles agree and
one of them
water guns Pikachu into the river where a Goldeen hurts him real
bad. So
when the Meowth has everyone tied up, Ash convinced the Squirtle
Squad to let
him get a Super Potion cuz Pika was in real bad shape. He ran
there, bought
one and got a lift back via Officer Jenny. They gave the Super
Potion to
Pikachu who was in Misty's arms and somehow when Team Rocket came
down to get
Meowth, he had Pikachu. So they flew off with Pikachu and
started throwing
bombs at the Squirtles and Ash, Misty and Brock. they run for
cover but when
the lead Squirtle falls down, Ash saves him. Squirtle water
guns a hole
through the balloon so Ash gets Pikachu back. Then the
Squirtles put out the
fire that was caused by the bombs and became the town firefighters.
As Ash
and Friends walked off down the path they were followed by the lead
who through Ash's courage and kindness decided to join the group.
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